Originally posted by W.West
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They still feel connected since a lot of the BD stories focus around the origin or a key part of the characters history, but at the same time, the reader knows it is brand new material. So they can essentially 'grow with the character'. I love the Deadman & Aquaman stories, because I hardly read anything with them previously. Thats also why GL & Flash Rebirths are a great jumping on point for new readers.
People read what they like, thats why I stopped reading most marvel titles, because I just wasnt enjoying them. And comics for me is all about entertainment, it shouldnt feel like a chore to read a story.
Dont worry West, I didnt feel like you were personally attacking me, people have opinions and want them heard to share ideas with other people. Thats why these boards are great.
Also, I'd say Dove is early 20's since she's in college, Brand's back at the "peak of his physicality" so around 27-35, still a decent sized gap, but I wouldnt put it as creepy