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Green Lanterns #23

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Noct View Post
    Thats why I love King. He does his research.
    I remember when Tom King was all about some Kyle Rayner in Omega Men as well... and one of the defining characteristics he mentioned was the Mexican heritage. Not being Irish. Not being an artist. Or even a former Ion or Parallax...

    "People forget he's a character of color, and he has this rich history. He was the Green Lantern I read for 10 years. I write sexy Dick Grayson in Grayson, and I think Kyle's a sexy character, so I kind of like that part about him, so I wanted to bring that out.

    He's a sexy character of color now. Y'know... cause THAT'S what made him so popular to begin with... right?



    • #17
      Kyle was a L.A. Kid you know?

      If you dont know what that means is that there is already a mexican/chicano culture there so one only have to add 1+1 it made perfect sense for me when I read it the first time.


      • #18
        I remember an early issue saying something about his "California tan..." or is that supposed to be slang for somebody with mixed heritage?

        EDIT: It's also never been said exactly where Kyle was born... however his mom had to run from wherever it was she and his father were living. LA is where they landed, not where they started.



        • #19
          He also said:

          "Kyle is us. Unlike every green lantern, he wasn’t chosen for his special specialness. He’s just a guy who was leaving a club and an alien gave him a ring and said save the universe, to take on the mission of the greatest of lanterns. What would that do to you? How would you respond? And after you did, after you saved the universe, died twice trying to save it again, realized that there were others who could take your place, would you go on, would you keep fighting? "


          • #20
            I get it, dude knows his stuff. However his main selling point is "sexy man of color". That's what he wanted to write. Before Omega Men I don't think Kyle ever said one phrase in Spanish. He DID however speak in Gaelic. And during Marz 'Homecoming?' arc he knew a little French when getting dazed and confused by Fatality's trank dart.

            I don't care if he acts more Hispanic, but give me the story between points A and C. If I ever wrote Kyle for DC and they insisted for me to play up the minority angle, I'd do it. However I'd mention how he took a class or something to speak a fluent foreign language without the ring translator. Or I'd mention how that one scripture was the only thing he bothered to memorize in the language. I have at least three friends with Mexican heritage, none of them know any Spanish.

            I also had a gripe with how Kyle's mom went from being an old lady to looking like a bangable 40-something.



            • #21
              Kyle IS a sexy character. Not even Hal fans can deny this.

              Edited: lol lets not confuse sexy with sexualized

              Originally posted by -//V\\- View Post
              I used to use Freddy Prinze Jr. in the 90's early 00's for reference when doing more detailed sketches of Kyle Rayner.

              If only I had seen this post erlier we could have skiped the whole racial discussion lol

              Freedy Prinze Jr. is latino, bilingual (speaks spanish) half Puerto Rican from his father side. And is also LA kid (fun fact he did the voice of James Vega from ME3) this is probably the best example you could have come with. There are many other actors of hispanic ethnicity that peaple are not aware about like Lynda Carter/Wonder Woman, Oscar Issac, Cameron Diaz, Martin Sheen et cetera. (not naming the ones with latin names)

              Just found out that in Alien Covenant two of the crew where latinos and I couldt even tell until I saw the cast names on wiki (hint /spoiler: they where the last ones to die)

              PS: I was half joking with the trump thing btw but I assume everyone is trump supporter until proved otherwise lol nothing personal. America really failed the world on this one, its like luthor becoming prez so unreal
              Sinestro's Sparring Partner
              Last edited by Noct; 06-06-2017, 12:14 PM.


              • #22
                Captivating discussion… (much better than arguing about how the Green Lantern franchise should be fixed, by the way)


                • #23
                  I just don't look at comics that way. A chick dressed in fishnets like Black Canary or Zatanna might be sexy... but a two dimensional fictional character isn't sexy themselves. I don't read comics for that. I don't know anybody who does.



                  • #24
                    I wouldn´t define Kyle as a sexy character, but a young and still a bit hot-headed guy with a strong inclination to fall in love with the first pretty girl he meets. In this sense, I liked that Winick's issue in which he proposes to Jade and she laughs at him for being so impulsive.


                    • #25
                      During the end of Winick's run [issue #162 or #163] Jade asked Kyle what he'd have done if they'd been pregnant. He said he would've proposed again.

                      Funny fact, Jade was surprisingly in Kyle's shower at least three times on panel. I will admit Kyle's the most sexual GL, as one of those instances had him running to the shower to give it to Jade for ten minutes. It was the 'Our Worlds At War' tie in special. Was pretty good and Kyle fought a Sinestro construct created by Brainiac...



                      • #26
                        I read that Our Worlds At War special just a few months ago and I agree: it was a good story (and a prelude to The Power of Ion). For me, the Judd Winick's run was a very enjoyable one from its very beginning to #150, at least.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Noct View Post
                          Tom King on Hal Jordan:

                          "75 years ago these Jewish creators could not create explicitly Jewish characters. It’s nice to know that now we can.”

                          From Darkseid War Green Lantern . . . Thats why I love King. He does his research.
                          I forgot about that. I'd have to say given the reference I posted and the fact that this background was never mentioned before that it's a retcon. Doesn't bother me though, like I said. It would bother me if say being a devoted Episcopalian had been a part of Ha's character before, but it wasn't.

                          And I agree with King and have thought about that aspect before. A similar thing could be said about Hollywood. There were a lot of Jewish executives, producers, and writers in the studio era but a relatively small number of Jewish characters on the screen.

                          Originally posted by -//V\\- View Post
                          ...I will admit Kyle's the most sexual GL...
                          I think I would agree with that. Guy (at least since his days of making construct waitresses) and John tend to fall hard for one girl for a long time.

                          Johns tried to characterize Hal as a player, but before Rebirth I don't think that's true. He had a number of girlfriends, but no more than Batman and the like. And he was never portrayed as a love-em-and-leave-em guy before. With the exception of Iona Vane, he tended to have real relationships with most of his loves.

                          But Kyle went through the ladies a bit faster and doesn't seem to be able to be a happy single guy. He's seems more about the loving.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jeronimo Thompson View Post
                            I read that Our Worlds At War special just a few months ago and I agree: it was a good story (and a prelude to The Power of Ion). For me, the Judd Winick's run was a very enjoyable one from its very beginning to #150, at least.
                            He got a bit too preachy for a minute and I didn't like how Kyle's voice changed so dramatically. I chalk it up to the increasing power that would be Ion's making him a tad bit smarter. Like how most people would normally say "I can't do that..." Winick would spell everything out "I can not do that..."

                            Just sounded off more times than not. His intro arc with the Manhunters and the follow up with the birth of Nero were amazing.

                            I did enjoy how he set up Brainwave as a potential villain for Kyle some time after issue #150. Just kinda annoyed nobody ever did anything with it. I think after the Hate Crime story when Kyle went off world was when it began going down hill. I REALLY enjoyed his John Stewart. I also think Winick's writing improved after writing that Outsiders comic with Nightwing, Arsenal, and Jade as members...



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by -//V\\- View Post
                              He got a bit too preachy for a minute and I didn't like how Kyle's voice changed so dramatically. I chalk it up to the increasing power that would be Ion's making him a tad bit smarter. Like how most people would normally say "I can't do that..." Winick would spell everything out "I can not do that..."

                              Just sounded off more times than not. His intro arc with the Manhunters and the follow up with the birth of Nero were amazing.

                              I did enjoy how he set up Brainwave as a potential villain for Kyle some time after issue #150. Just kinda annoyed nobody ever did anything with it. I think after the Hate Crime story when Kyle went off world was when it began going down hill. I REALLY enjoyed his John Stewart. I also think Winick's writing improved after writing that Outsiders comic with Nightwing, Arsenal, and Jade as members...

                              About the change in Kyle's voice, if I remember it correctly, I had only read a few Ron Marz's issues before starting the Winick's run, so at the time I accepted his Kyle's characterization as the right one. And well, although Marz had previously done a good work treating them, I loved the way Winick developed Kyle's relationship with Jade (and hated how he finished it). The mentioned Our Worlds At War special is a good example of this. And the adventure in space recovering Mogo for continuity was a very good one too.

                              I agree with you that the series really got worse when Kyle went off world, but for me, Winick had already lost his 'shining' after the end of The Power of Ion. And I consider Hate Crime a story written with a good purpose, but not so successfully executed. As if everything were too 'theatrical'. And anyway, I couldn´t buy Kyle's following justification to go off world.

                              I've never tried Winick's Outsiders. At the moment, I read a bunch of reviews stating Johns's Teen Titans was the good one (of the couple) and that Winick's stories and characterizations for the series were poor. His Exiles, on the other hand, seemed to me a good comic.


                              • #30
                                Outsiders was good for what it was. Arsenal had some damn good characterization, as well as Nightwing, and Jade was leader by issue #12 or #13 I think....

                                If you liked Winick's earlier Jade characterization you'd enjoy her in that series. Winick also got the chance to create not one but three new characters/heroes. Grace Choi [metahuman bouncer], Thunder [Black Lightning's daughter now with density powers], and the last one I don't wanna spoil. I LOVE what was done with Metamorpho...


