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Green Lantern Vol. 5 #2 *Spoilers*

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  • #46
    Does seem kind of odd that Hal could have a ring weeks after the Guardians fired him. Apparently the Guardians just sent Sinestro on his way with NO monitoring.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
      Does seem kind of odd that Hal could have a ring weeks after the Guardians fired him. Apparently the Guardians just sent Sinestro on his way with NO monitoring.
      Well they didn't catch Hal working with all the other corps leaders for a long time. So they probably won't catch Sinestro they are too busy evil plotting.
      No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

      Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


      • #48
        Originally posted by chosenone85 View Post
        One question i have is how did sinestro create the ring? it appeared right after he created the construct...
        The ring is a construct. That's why he's able to control it to. The assumption is that Sinestro's just so great at ring slinging that he can make a construct that is a functional ring. Theoretically if Sinestro was unconscious, dead, or discharged Hal's training ring would disappear.

        That being said, there was in the past a self-replicating ring. Kyle had it.


        • #49
          Rings have duplicated before. The aformentioned Kyle example, but also I believe in the Silver Age. Those rings only had juice for 24 hours.

          We don't have to search that hard for another, more recent, example: Blackest Night.

          I have zero problems with Sinestro lording over Hal. It's fun when heroes are put in uncomfortable positions like that.

          Hal's new cosume ... it comes as a "why bother". It's not a far enough departure from his "old" look to count as wholly new to me, honestly. But I AM glad they didn't make everyone look as they did in the movie. I'd have cringed if everyone suddennly was redesigned - both in costume and physically - just to synch up with the movie.


          • #50
            This was what I was waiting for. A few moments with modern Hal and Sinestro ringslinging back to back again to take down or restrain Sinestro's entire Corps. I'm still pumped to see what happens with the Sin Corps, I bet Sinestro just gets control of them [since Arkillo is presumably working for the Sin Corps in New Guardians] after killing a few who found high horses.

            With the costume... I still liked the more movie like suit in the back of JL #1. It had the green gloves and some extra lines and odd color breaks, but it worked. The problem would be artists and colorists getting lazy with the additional lines and detail. More of a middle ground between what we have and what was rejected would've been nice, and then maybe the guys really in need of suit tweaking [the other Earth guys and a few Corps mainstays] could have got some fine tuning.

            Should Kyle and John have the additional lines in the shoulders to make them look more padded? Should Kilowog and others?



            • #51
              Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
              This was what I was waiting for. A few moments with modern Hal and Sinestro ringslinging back to back again to take down or restrain Sinestro's entire Corps. I'm still pumped to see what happens with the Sin Corps, I bet Sinestro just gets control of them [since Arkillo is presumably working for the Sin Corps in New Guardians] after killing a few who found high horses.

              With the costume... I still liked the more movie like suit in the back of JL #1. It had the green gloves and some extra lines and odd color breaks, but it worked. The problem would be artists and colorists getting lazy with the additional lines and detail. More of a middle ground between what we have and what was rejected would've been nice, and then maybe the guys really in need of suit tweaking [the other Earth guys and a few Corps mainstays] could have got some fine tuning.

              Should Kyle and John have the additional lines in the shoulders to make them look more padded? Should Kilowog and others?

              That would be like a nightmare come true. Absolutely horrid in every sense of the idea. I say no!


              • #52
                I think a key scene in this book was Sinestro's reaction to the praise/thanking that he received from the father who was driving the car that fell off the bridge. He saved their lives and they thanked him for it. The use of (...) suggests his hesitation in reaction. Perhaps he has never been truly thanked for being a hero. I think this might be what GJ uses as a big turning point for Sinestro in going forward. He learns that helping save others can be more personally rewarding than forcing them into order utilizing strength and fear.

                I might also be grasping at straws....but on 2nd read through that scene just really stuck out to me.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                  Its funny how everytime someone mentions sinestro's past the amount of dead jumps to the next -illions number.

                  A week ago it was billions, now its trillions of trillions.
                  And trillions upon trillions might be pretty conservative. How many star systems worth of planets do you suppose a whole Sector of the universe has?

                  Yeah. Sinestro has taken out some of those.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by bjread View Post
                    I think a key scene in this book was Sinestro's reaction to the praise/thanking that he received from the father who was driving the car that fell off the bridge. He saved their lives and they thanked him for it. The use of (...) suggests his hesitation in reaction. Perhaps he has never been truly thanked for being a hero. I think this might be what GJ uses as a big turning point for Sinestro in going forward. He learns that helping save others can be more personally rewarding than forcing them into order utilizing strength and fear.

                    I might also be grasping at straws....but on 2nd read through that scene just really stuck out to me.
                    And he didn't react to well to it.
                    I'm sure he was thanked before. Korugar probably liked him at first and he was one of (if not the) best GL.
                    BTW: I thought his response was funny.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                      And trillions upon trillions might be pretty conservative. How many star systems worth of planets do you suppose a whole Sector of the universe has?

                      Yeah. Sinestro has taken out some of those.
                      I agree it might possibly be that amount, i was just remarking on how it constantly changes from the fans pov because no one really knows, for all we know it could be in the "hundreds" now do to streamlining.


                      • #56
                        I agree on the key scene idea.....Sinestro was probably more acustomed to certain level of reverance back in his day....and maybe after all this time away from the GLC he'd forgotten what it was like to be thanked, as oposedto simply feared and respected.

                        Still...all of this at the expense of Hal going from THE MAN to being THE SAC is complete bullshit!


                        • #57
                          I was pretty nervous with issue #1, but number 2# raised my hopes significantly for the series. 4*!


                          • #58
                            I'll be honest and say that I'm liking this the most so far out of all the new GL books...


                            • #59
                              I liked this issue. I loved how Sinestro punked Hal with the ring and being able to turn it on/off when he wants. I see Hal getting his ring back soon too


                              • #60
                                As far as how many people Sinestro has killed, one could argue that ever since he outfitted and trained the Sinestro Corps he's responsible for everyone they have killed.

