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white lantern thought

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BTomaselli View Post
    It's gonna be hilarious when there really is a White Lantern after all we've been told.



    • #17
      LMAO at these people who think they're Geoff freaking Johns and say for certain that there won't be a White Lantern. And yet, we already have the White Light and the need for it to be replicated.

      And as far as I know, Geoff Johns NEVER said that there won't be a White Lantern, all he said when asked about it was that "It's not what you think". So if some people think Hal will be the White Lantern, it may turn out someone else will be since according to Geoff, "It's not what you think". If some people think there will be only ONE White Lantern, it may turn out that there will be 7 White Lanterns. I guess what I'm really trying to get at here is this, Geoff's reply was the best reply he could come up with that will not spoil the surprise and yet not deny that a White Lantern/White Lantern-ish will play a crucial part in this story.

      I mean seriously, he could've flat-out said that there won't be a freaking White Lantern. And yet he didn't. Gee, I wonder why.
      Thaal Jordan
      Green Lantern Initiate
      Last edited by Thaal Jordan; 10-15-2009, 08:52 AM.


      • #18
        But the way the white light is created (two or more beams at a time, one of which is green),
        There is no way to combine all that on one person,
        because some rings do not coexist together, like red and blue.

        Unless the "white Lanterns" are simply the people that cannot be "seen" correctly by the Black Lanterns (Dove II, Tekik, and newly reavealed Etrigan

        (Highlight the last one)


        • #19
          I really hope they put a white lantern in this book so that I can hear all the people who think its a great novel idea be pissed that some white lantern showed up and ended the whole thing. The white lantern concept is too easy IMO. Not to mention that it has been brought and talked to death about so much that there would be no suprise or shock value when/if it did happen. Is that what people really want..."hey look a white lantern came in and defeated the black lanterns like we all thought. Man we all saw that coming and it was lackluster"
          I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


          • #20
            Okay I have never read any Hawk and Dove comics so i dont know what there powers are and what they stand for but why is Dove II not showing any emotion? It was cool to read the Titan Comic with that on it but i didnt understand does anyone know or can fill me in on this because I confused ; P


            • #21
              Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
              But the way the white light is created (two or more beams at a time, one of which is green),
              There is no way to combine all that on one person,
              because some rings do not coexist together, like red and blue.
              We don't know even know for sure if it will be combined into simply just "ONE" person. And the reason we don't know this and the reason we don't know how things will play out is because we aren't Geoff Johns (or one of the few DC people who know how this will end). And if Geoff Johns himself didn't shoot down the White Lantern theory, then why do some people pretend that they are Geoff Johns (or at least they think that they are) and do the exact opposite of what Geoff did? Just so it's clear, I'm not saying that you're one of those people.

              And by the way, the white light is created by combining ALL 7 colors of the rainbow, not "two or more" as you stated above. It wouldn't really matter if some emotions do not co-exist together like red and blue since the emotions attached to each color are just a by-product of White Light splitting into those 7 colors.


              • #22
                Yeah, I know You need all seven, But i meant like when Hal and Indigo-1 destroyed BL Ralph Dibny with white light.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                  I really hope they put a white lantern in this book so that I can hear all the people who think its a great novel idea be pissed that some white lantern showed up and ended the whole thing. The white lantern concept is too easy IMO. Not to mention that it has been brought and talked to death about so much that there would be no suprise or shock value when/if it did happen. Is that what people really want..."hey look a white lantern came in and defeated the black lanterns like we all thought. Man we all saw that coming and it was lackluster"
                  LMAO! Why would I be pissed if a White Lantern showed up and ended the whole thing? That is of course, YOU'RE assuming that the White Lantern does indeed END the whole thing, and that's a pretty huge assumption, I honestly won't give a shit if it's written really well. This ain't no mystery-themed story. So I really could care less. And like I've said, that IS assuming that a White Lantern is the BE-ALL END-ALL of this story.

                  Because I personally don't think that this will be the case. Heck, Sinestro still needs to become a Green Lantern again before this is all over. So I think it will be along the lines of the White Lantern-ish person or persons wearing Nekron down and beating him just enough. And just when they are about to deliver the final blow or the blow that will send Nekron back to his realm, the White Lantern-ish powers run out since it only lasts for a short amount of time due to it not having it's own CPB. Then Sinestro fulfills his destiny by somehow becoming a GL again and saving the day.

                  And while we're on the subject, why do some people instantly think that they know for certain how it is going to end if a White Lantern or some type of White Lantern does appear and therefore, thrash the idea. Freaking know-it-alls. Holy shit! Maybe this is exactly what Geoff was talking about all along when he said that "It's not what you think" when it comes to a White Lantern. Because most people think that the appearance of a White Lantern will automatically be the defeat of Nekron. Again, freaking know-it-alls.
                  Thaal Jordan
                  Green Lantern Initiate
                  Last edited by Thaal Jordan; 10-15-2009, 05:12 PM.


                  • #24
                    I hope they DONT make a white lantern as I would think it pointless. As we have seen the white light, yeah but we dont know what it means as its a squiggled line but most likely peace but the thing is then does it mean when all the colours are together and fired it equals peace aka the white light...

                    just a thought but I still dont want to see on in the book.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                      There has been nothing said that there won't be a White Lantern or a White Lantern Corps. In San Diego the answer was, "It won't be what you think." Which is a semi-acknowledgement that there will be something along those lines... it just won't be what most people think it is.
                      I hope there is a full on White Lantern Corps personally. I'd be okay with a temporary thing that was needed but in theory a White Lantern if created by all the spectrum combined would be amazingly powerful with that much various energy flowing through him/her. A whole corps of these people would essentially be overkill. Not to mention we've seen Hal wear multiple rings, Green and Red, Green and Blue and he is overtaken by one emotion which powers the corresponding ring. A White Lantern would have to be devoid of any emotion or at least be able to keep them in check so essentially wouldn't be able to power even one ring right? My head hurts...

                      Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
                      Unless the "white Lanterns" are simply the people that cannot be "seen" correctly by the Black Lanterns (Dove II, Tekik, and newly reavealed Etrigan
                      (Highlight the last one)
                      Any shot that Johns took the route of a Buddist Monk on this where they are so in line and centered with life that no one emotion controls them at all? So anyone who is able to achieve this "zen" quality would qualify? Even if that is the case I don't initially see how they would be powered at all since so far the rings are driven by the emotion of the wearer.


                      • #26
                        saying that, a person who feels nothing, no fear, rage, love etc etc...would batman count as that as Ive read a few times superman or other characters telling him he dont feel a thing so maybe thats why he is important to black hand as he could be the one who can be one with all emotions at one time...sounds good theory in my head but not one I would want to happen lol


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ninty View Post
                          saying that, a person who feels nothing, no fear, rage, love etc etc...would batman count as that as Ive read a few times superman or other characters telling him he dont feel a thing so maybe thats why he is important to black hand as he could be the one who can be one with all emotions at one time...sounds good theory in my head but not one I would want to happen lol

                          i thought the same actually. why make bruce the center of the arc and have dick as the new batman? they even said bruce will be back next year so when they say bruce wayne do they mean the billionaire or the batman?
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by WolfLantern View Post
                            Okay I have never read any Hawk and Dove comics so i dont know what there powers are and what they stand for but why is Dove II not showing any emotion? It was cool to read the Titan Comic with that on it but i didnt understand does anyone know or can fill me in on this because I confused ; P

                            peace-balance of emotions


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ninty View Post
                              I hope they DONT make a white lantern as I would think it pointless. As we have seen the white light, yeah but we dont know what it means as its a squiggled line but most likely peace but the thing is then does it mean when all the colours are together and fired it equals peace aka the white light...

                              just a thought but I still dont want to see on in the book.
                              Wasn't it already revealed in BN 3 that the white light is called the White Light of Creation? Now the keyword there is "creation". Gee, I wonder what this white light of creation will "create"?

                              Seriously, the way it is right now (Geoff Johns not saying "No" to the White Lantern question -> The revelation of White Light in spectrum -> The need for white light to be replicated to destroy the source of the black rings -> White Light of Creation) all signs are pointing to a White Lantern thing-type of character/s. If you think otherwise, then you're only fooling yourself. If you don't like a White Lantern due to some other reason then that's all well and good. But if the reason you don't like it is because you think that you already know what EXACTLY will happen if a White Lantern does appear, then LOL @ you.
                              Thaal Jordan
                              Green Lantern Initiate
                              Last edited by Thaal Jordan; 10-16-2009, 04:23 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ganthet View Post
                                Wasn't it already revealed in BN 3 that the white light is called the White Light of Creation? Now the keyword there is "creation". Gee, I wonder what this white light of creation will "create"?

                                Seriously, the way it is right now (Geoff Johns not saying "No" to the White Lantern question -> The revelation of White Light in spectrum -> The need for white light to be replicated to destroy the source of the black rings -> White Light of Creation) all signs are pointing to a White Lantern thing-type of character/s. If you think otherwise, then you're only fooling yourself. If you don't like a White Lantern due to some other reason then that's all well and good. But if the reason you don't like it is because you think that you already know what EXACTLY will happen if a White Lantern does appear, then LOL @ you.
                                Kind of my sentiments.

