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I want to talk about Green lantern and the corps

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  • I want to talk about Green lantern and the corps

    Im still cathing up on the tpbs of Green Lantern and the corps and they are relly great stores
    I dont know what is is but Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons are Amazing writters.The stores are fast paced and relly written well.Im not into cosmic books but Im relly loving the Green Lantern Universe
    This makes me relly looking fowerd to Blackest night.It looks like everyone is getting the Green Lantern bug
    I dont know about Past issues Vol 1-3 Can someone tell me were they as good as the current Vol

  • #2
    Im unsure about this myself but Im currently back tracking all the issues of vol.3 and that has some mini series' that go with the book like, Emerald Dawn 1 and 2 (I think) It has Emerald Dawn in volume 3 and see's the inclusion of Kyle Rayner becoming GL for the first time so I guess it has its moments just like vol.4 has its moments.

    I have some from vol.2 where the green lantern corps came back and currently not read those yet but looks good from what I can see, as more corps members will (Im guessing here) have more page time.


    • #3
      scanning the board it seems new readers like you and myself love Johns and everything about Vol 4, while more grizzled veterans of the GL-universe are quick to say that Johns is sort of dismantling the famous psyche Hal Jordan once had, not to mention completely ignoring past arcs and mythos, which can only be maddening for them.

      But I won't lie -- I have never...EVER...been so impressed with comic book art as I have with Van Sciver's take on the Green Lantern. The only thing that comes close in my mind is the terrifying art in ARKHAM ASYLYM: serious house on serious earth. And even that was one-shot TPB, while Sciver's involved in an entire series. very impressive work


      • #4
        Originally posted by Secter 34 View Post
        Im still cathing up on the tpbs of Green Lantern and the corps and they are relly great stores
        I dont know what is is but Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons are Amazing writters.The stores are fast paced and relly written well.Im not into cosmic books but Im relly loving the Green Lantern Universe
        This makes me relly looking fowerd to Blackest night.It looks like everyone is getting the Green Lantern bug
        I dont know about Past issues Vol 1-3 Can someone tell me were they as good as the current Vol
        Speaking as a long time GL fan I can tell you there are some great GL stories in Vol 2 & 3. Can't speak for Vol 1 as that's Alan Scott's original run from the 1940's. I would try to get issues written by Alan Moore, Dennis O'Neil, and Ron Marz standing out as some of the best in my opinion. I think what irritates most long time GL fans is that the majority of GL history didn't need to change to tell the current story line. I personally love Geoff Johns and he's brought new life to GL and I thank him for it but sometimes I think he changes things just because he can.
        "I reject your reality, and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage from Mythbusters
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        • #5
          like all comics different era's different type of writing all together


          • #6
            Geoff Johns managed to hook a Marvelite like myself. He does great work. GL and GLC are first (for now) DC books I pick up monthly...and you can follow the link in my sig to help you get caught up in time for Blackest Night! (Shameless plug...)


            • #7
              scanning the board it seems new readers like you and myself love Johns and everything about Vol 4, while more grizzled veterans of the GL-universe are quick to say that Johns is sort of dismantling the famous psyche Hal Jordan once had, not to mention completely ignoring past arcs and mythos, which can only be maddening for them.
              Some grizzled veterans may feel that way, but many like myself are loving GL now more than we have in decades i'd try to stay away from Volume 3 but i'd reccommed anything by Broome and Englehart though.
              "If at first you don't succeed, try Kyle again!".


              • #8
                Originally posted by Corwin View Post
                Geoff Johns managed to hook a Marvelite like myself. He does great work. GL and GLC are first (for now) DC books I pick up monthly...and you can follow the link in my sig to help you get caught up in time for Blackest Night! (Shameless plug...)

                I'm a DC kid waiting for something to interest me from Marvel

                I really cant find too much worthwhile from them, for my tastes....I picked up a copy of the New Avengers and the writing was soooo bad and childish I couldn't believe it


                • #9
                  The Emerald Knights, Parallax View, Power of Ion and Circle of Fire stuff is pretty good.
                  Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                  Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                  I'm a leaf on the wind...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joeylavoie View Post
                    I'm a DC kid waiting for something to interest me from Marvel

                    I really cant find too much worthwhile from them, for my tastes....I picked up a copy of the New Avengers and the writing was soooo bad and childish I couldn't believe it
                    Wow, I'm actually digging New Avengers...Luke Cage, Spidey and Wolvy (yeah I went there) on the same team? C'mon what's not to like? Aw well different strokes and all that.

