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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • I think you believe too strongly in the possibility of fixing a bad movie after the shooting has wrapped. It's not impossible, but all you can do then is take stuff out and move stuff around.


    • I sort of agree. It's hard to edit a good movie out of bad footage, but on the other end, bad editing can ruin what could have been a great movie. I'm sure there are some director's who owe their careers to the good skills of their editors on some films. Spielberg might never have been a name if it wasn't for Verna Fields.


      • John Williams played a role in Spielberg's success too. And that of George Lucas.

        There have been some movies, like Heaven's Gate, that would have been saved by someone going into the editing room and ruthlessly cutting out all the ponderous bullshit. But those were movies that were just too long. If the editor has nothing to work with, then there's not much he can do.
        Trey Strain
        Guardian of the Universe
        Last edited by Trey Strain; 01-25-2017, 07:45 PM.


        • Someday I would like to see a fan edit of the three Hobbit movies condensed into one long movie, removing the subplot for the Tauriel/Legolas/Kili love triangle. And cutting down some of the ludicrous action scenes. I'm curious to see if someone could make a better movie out of it by leaving a ton of stupidity on the cutting room floor.


          • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
            Someday I would like to see a fan edit of the three Hobbit movies condensed into one long movie, removing the subplot for the Tauriel/Legolas/Kili love triangle. And cutting down some of the ludicrous action scenes. I'm curious to see if someone could make a better movie out of it by leaving a ton of stupidity on the cutting room floor.
            That would have been much better as two movies instead of three, but they'd have been passing up, what, $300 million?


            • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
              Someday I would like to see a fan edit of the three Hobbit movies condensed into one long movie, removing the subplot for the Tauriel/Legolas/Kili love triangle. And cutting down some of the ludicrous action scenes. I'm curious to see if someone could make a better movie out of it by leaving a ton of stupidity on the cutting room floor.
              I'd like to see that as well.

              I'd also like to see a fan cut up of Batman v. Superman to about 90 minutes, cutting out most of Lex's scenes, especially the material of him "masterminding the fight between Batman and Superman." The premise and "the Dark Knight Return inspiration" is enough for the fight between the two. Cut out the weird dreams/hallucinations by Bruce and Clark. I mean, that first thing about Bruce rises out of the pit on the wings of bats was really worthless.

              I really want a director's commentary of Batman v. Superman.
              You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


              • I just watched a 4 hour fan edit of the Hobbit by a guy who goes by Tolkien Editor online. I was in the mood to see it and curious as to how the edits could work and not have the edits and musical cues be jarring. This guys was PRETTY good. Overall it was watchable and very entertaining. There were several things I just wanted to fix for him, but not a lot. This guy's wasn't perfect but it was close to being ideal for a book fan. I liked that he was ruthless as hell cutting stuff out, but there were a few choices he made that impacted the continuity of the story. Mostly Fili and Kili's deaths omitted, the eagles saving the group after they escape the goblins, Smaug being covered in gold for one brief shot that could have been scrapped. The rest were shots that were too tight or not balanced with a non closeup shot when it needed one. But hey, the guy made a watchable movie so I have to give him major credit for the work he did.

                I would recommend seeing it if you have the time. It takes up 6GB, so be prepared for that.


                • ^I'd cut the stupid toilet joke first.


                  • That was gone.


                    • I think where movies are concerned, Geoff's stock is way down.

                      Movies about comic book characters are a very different animal from comic books themselves. The two audiences are not at all alike. You can't get movie audiences to throw money at you by announcing an event or a rebirth.

                      Trey Strain
                      Guardian of the Universe
                      Last edited by Trey Strain; 02-02-2017, 10:12 PM.


                      • I don't think his stock is down necessarily. He just became the fall guy. Before they leaned on him for creative influence. Now, he is the creative.


                        • Geoff isn't going to be starving anytime soon. He's fine with the movies unless things don't turn around for them with his expanded involvement. And even if that goes south, Geoff is still a sacred cow at DC Comics. His name still sells there.


                          • The person who writes the GLC movie needs to know and appreciate the pre-Kyle Lanternverse, and there's almost no chance of getting someone like that. Everybody at DC thinks GL started with Geoff.


                            • If all you knew about Green Lantern is what's been published in the comics from the time Geoff took over until now, could you find a good movie in that material?

                              I couldn't. And that's the problem.


                              • To be fair, the same can be said for most characters. How many characters have classics? How many writers have classics?

