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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
    no it doesnt, you asked for a movie that had one week to make a shitload of money before big competion came out, and that was it.

    Gl for now is a financial failure for DC, that probably will change by the time dvd's hit, but for now its a failure and they are hoping that a sequal will rebound it.
    sadly I have to agree with everything said .........screw it.....I'm officially joining the Red Lantern Corps lol


    • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
      no it doesnt, you asked for a movie that had one week to make a shitload of money before big competion came out, and that was it.
      wow you think Ice Age 2 was really a completion against TF2........... REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!

      ok if that how you feel

      IonFan says

      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


      • Well lets see, tf dropped 61% the second week and only beat Ice Age by less than a million dollars. You know why? Because all the kids and their parents were at ice age that second week, just like what happened this past weekend with Cars coming out.

        Take off your fucking fanboy glasses once in a while and look at reality.


        • it gets funnier with every post lol

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
            Well lets see, tf dropped 61% the second week and only beat Ice Age by less than a million dollars. You know why? Because all the kids and their parents were at ice age that second week, just like what happened this past weekend with Cars coming out.
            *with fresh blood dripping from mouth* .....yep gotta agree there *rips the heart out of a bystander*


            • Sequel not definite yet:



              • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                “Green Lantern Is A Blip”: Mark Millar On The Future Of Superhero Movies

                THIS IS TOTAL BULLSH!T!

                1) the movie wasn't that bad (don't know how many more times i have to keep saying that but i will)

                2) the movie had 1 week, 1 F@CKING WEEK to make a "sh!t load of money" i ask you to name another movie that had the same amount of time as that and still made a sh!t load of money

                3) with all the hate that came out BEFORE anyone had a chance to see it and judge for themselves, h@ll i'd say they were scared away cause of that

                but hey that's just my 2 cents
                1. Mark Millar isn't worth talking about...EVER.

                2. Its the fucking summer, no movie has a huge wait before the next thing is out. And NO, it did not make a shit load of money because if it did we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we? If you honestly thought Green Lantern being in THIRD PLACE in its second week against a Cameron Diaz comedy and a low budget no name cast movie that is Super 8 then you need to stop drinking what you're drinking as often as you're drinking.

                3. Reviews for Green Lantern were held until the 15th, TWO DAYS before release. They didn't kill this movie.

                Originally posted by Michael Allred View Post
                Sequel not definite yet:
                Well no shit. Studios greenlight sequels everyday that doesn't mean they are going to happen....


                • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                  no it doesnt, you asked for a movie that had one week to make a shitload of money before big competion came out, and that was it.

                  Gl for now is a financial failure for DC, that probably will change by the time dvd's hit, but for now its a failure and they are hoping that a sequal will rebound it.
                  Pietro and I just got off a phone convo about this... the word "failure" isn't appropriate right now, disappointment, yes, but they've still got months of international releases to decide whether or not it's actually failed.


                  • I have a sad feeling it's not gonna do that well overseas. Warner Brothers took a risk by cutting this film in half and it backfired on them. Also there marketing campeign was piss-poor.


                    • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                      “Green Lantern Is A Blip”: Mark Millar On The Future Of Superhero Movies

                      THIS IS TOTAL BULLSH!T!

                      1) the movie wasn't that bad (don't know how many more times i have to keep saying that but i will)

                      2) the movie had 1 week, 1 F@CKING WEEK to make a "sh!t load of money" i ask you to name another movie that had the same amount of time as that and still made a sh!t load of money

                      3) with all the hate that came out BEFORE anyone had a chance to see it and judge for themselves, h@ll i'd say they were scared away cause of that

                      but hey that's just my 2 cents
                      I agree with Ion that there was a quizzical bad-vibe campaign against GL since the minute it was green lit & announced.

                      But I also agree wholeheartedly with Mark Millar:

                      "I’d love to see them brilliant, theatrical animated movies. Aquaman talking underwater would have us wincing in live action. In a cartoon we wouldn’t even blink. Some stuff just doesn’t suit the format."

                      I think this will be borne out by the success of the animated series; we'll have to wait & see.


                      • Animated films will never ever get theatrical release, and even then all the animated films are turning into Superman, Batman or the Justice League.


                        • seems all we will get are Supes and Bats all over still oh beating heart (sarcasm)


                          • Well I get Bats I fucking hate Superman.
                            I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                            • I had $8 in Green Lantern movie cash so I decided to go see it for a third and final time today. I just got home from the theater and upon thinking about the film, I'm going to stick with my score of 3/5. Nothing really made want to stand up and say "Hell yeah, take that Batman and Superman!" It was just an average film.

                              Am I the only one who thought the only piece of clever dialogue was when Carol say's to Hal "So what do they do, call you on your cell in a tree...downtown Milky Way!?" I loved that line and it fit perfectly in a comic book movie.

                              Oh and they did indeed recycle the footage of the Sinestro raising his arms and the GLC members blasting their rings into space. Really WB, really?!

                              One more thing that proves the dialogue was shit, they must had sprinkled the word "woah" into the script like 10 times. It seemed like every few scenes someone was saying that word or "wow". Ultra annoying!

                              Green since 1974!


                              • Ha hah ha! So Keanu Reeves could have play Hal?
                                You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!

