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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • Just saw Green Lantern for the first time Thursday midnight showing. Like most of you I came into the movie with mixed emotions. I was genuinely hurt by all the bad reviews and the awful comments made by Marvel fans that were wishing and hoping for this movie to fail simply because it was DC. After seeing the film, I’m happy to say that I walked out of the theater giddy as a little girl and I was genuinely entertained in the end……Yes this movie was far from perfection….It had plot holes big enough to drive the Death Star through, the editing, and the special effects were kind of sketchy in some spots.…….But the movie as a whole was an old fashioned, unapologetically fun summer ride. I had a blast and if you go into the theater with a positive attitude, and let your high maintenance fanboy hair down, I think you will love this film as much as I did. The sad fact of the CMB industry is that fanboys have gotten too spoiled and high on their little soap boxes, that they’ve forgotten how to suspend their disbelief. They expect every CMB to be as good as The Dark Knight, and every director attached must be like Christopher Nolan. They just can’t go see a movie and take it for what it is anymore, just a movie aimed at making as much money as it can. Fanboy expectations have gotten so high that it’s perfectly impossible for any film studio to meet those kinds of demands anymore. Take for example Watchmen. While waiting for the movie to start, I was talking to some random fanboy and the topic of The Watchmen came up. I talked about how much I loved it, and he went on to completely trash the movie, and said that it was garbage. I asked him why he thought it was so bad and his response was because, “it was too faitheful to the comic book”. I realized then why studios don’t cater to hardcore fans because they are impossible to please. The pressures of pleasing the hardcore fanboys are so great that I think any director wanting to take on a CMB has got to be insane. If anyone reading this post was involved in making Green Lantern, I thank you for bringing my most favorite superhero to the big screen after thirty plus years of being a fan. If any of you fans haven’t seen it yet, be a kid again and just enjoy this movie without all those impossible expectations. I give this movie a strong 8 out of 10.
    Sinestro's Sparring Partner
    Last edited by SmurfLantern; 06-18-2011, 04:28 AM.


    The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, that even a god-king can bleed.


    • Originally posted by SmurfLantern View Post


      • i give it 8/10. not a lot i found to be upsetting other then

        spoilers the guardians creating the fear ring themselves, and how short the Parallax fight was..


        • I just helped it earn 20.00 (saw it in 2d) and plan to help it earn more tomorrow(in 3d)... As far as my thoughts on the movie...I could not help but feel like a little school girl through so many scenes. The movie was fast paced and kept me interested, constantly wanting more. I do wish the training scenes were longer but that could be fleshed out some more in a sequel. Overall I found the editing to be kinda weird at times but nothing that overly distracted me from the movie or made me give a second thought to.

          The idea that the Guardians forged the yellow ring is actually a great idea. Them toying with the idea of using fear instead of will and ultimately finding it to uncontrollable and volatile is again a great idea, and helps explain why they turn away from emotion(s) if other colors are brought in.

          I thought the constructs were great and pretty imaginative. Considering he is suppose to be new to the ring. The hot wheels track was hilarious.

          Blake Lively was Carol Ferris. Her tone matched what I hear when I read her in the comics. She seemed directly from the pages of Green Lantern.

          Ryan Reynolds was a perfect Hal Jordan, and with a sequel I think he will be even better.

          A lot of people have been complaining about Peter Sarsgaard and how he was not "Creepy" or fleshed out as Hector Hammond...I strongly disagree. He was a different type of Hector Hammond, not so much as coveting what Hal has at first. He seemed to be more of an outcast, a misunderstood soul. He obviously had history with Hal and Carol but it was awkward at best. Once he became infected with Parallax the creepiness began. His little looks or crooked smile. The laugh and way he carried himself just oozed creepy to me. Toward the end with show down between Hector and Hal, when Hector came out in the automatic wheel chair while holding Carol hostage was awesome and felt right.

          I went to see it tonight with a co-worker who has little to know insight on comics. He knows some of the characters but no detail history. Walking out he said he really enjoyed the movie. I definitely think the critics reviewed this movie wrong. Like any other comic movie sure things could have been done better. But overall I am very happy with the product we got. Its great to see my hero on the big screen.


          • well. the suprise clip is on youtube already

            video is not mine

            + YouTube Video
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            Guardian of the Universe
            Last edited by TazzMission; 06-18-2011, 04:46 AM.
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • im still in disbelief about how bad this movie turned out to be, and i know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and i stand by my fellow gl fans in most cases but i feel that most of you who say loved the movie and thought it was perfect are just saying it because you are fans and know the story, the character, the mythology and the comics. but look at it from a persons point of view who knows nothing of these things, and you will see that this movie was horribly put together. my friend who i saw it with and knows nothing of the comics and the characters, and is a big movie buff absolutely hated the film. As a fan i gave it a C-, as he gave it a solid F. i told him green lantern is one of the most popular comic book characters today and he said to me he has no idea why people like or care for him. that really bothered me that he thought that and i feel this movie is going to make a lot of the non comic booky general public think. another low blow to dc comic book films. maybe ill enjoy it a little more a second viewing as my dad wants to see it as well. but i highly doubt it.

              also heres what comic book writer mark millar had to say about the film. i wouldnt agree with him 100% but he has a point
              That's quite a big reach there, people can feel free to dislike the movie but the idea that people like myself who loved it are being blind fanboys is ridiculous. If Green Lantern sucked i'd be one of the loudest people screeming and ranting about it.

              Also as far as how the general public will feel about the movie who knows, i've been talking to some friends of mine that didn't know much about GL and they seemed to like it. To me if you're a sci-fi fan and like comic book movies or big action flicks you'll like it, but if you're more of a Dark Knight fan and want this dark brooding hero or simply don't like comic book movies then you probably won't.

              As far as Mark Millar goes his opinion on anything is irrelevant, the guy is so full of crap on a normal day that the idea of him trashing GL is not only expected but par for the course with his whole gimmick and persona.
              "If at first you don't succeed, try Kyle again!".


              • Originally posted by Black Lantern Superman View Post
                im still in disbelief about how bad this movie turned out to be, and i know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and i stand by my fellow gl fans in most cases but i feel that most of you who say loved the movie and thought it was perfect are just saying it because you are fans and know the story, the character, the mythology and the comics. but look at it from a persons point of view who knows nothing of these things, and you will see that this movie was horribly put together. my friend who i saw it with and knows nothing of the comics and the characters, and is a big movie buff absolutely hated the film. As a fan i gave it a C-, as he gave it a solid F. i told him green lantern is one of the most popular comic book characters today and he said to me he has no idea why people like or care for him. that really bothered me that he thought that and i feel this movie is going to make a lot of the non comic booky general public think. another low blow to dc comic book films. maybe ill enjoy it a little more a second viewing as my dad wants to see it as well. but i highly doubt it.

                also heres what comic book writer mark millar had to say about the film. i wouldnt agree with him 100% but he has a point
                I know this is your opinion, and we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I just saw the movie with my family, and my mother (who knows nothing about Green Lantern) loved it. And everyone that left the theater said they liked it, or loved it. So many people not familiar to the character thought it was good, and not well written.

                Would you mind explaining the exact things you didn't like, not just general things like the story. What about the story was bad? Would you make in black so the movie isn't ruined for the poor fans in Australia who wave to wait to see it?


                • The movie was great!

                  In my fair opinion (what I would think of the movie if I didn't love Green Lantern comics) I would rate this slightly better than Iron Man.



                  • Originally posted by LanternJordan2814 View Post
                    The movie was great!

                    In my fair opinion (what I would think of the movie if I didn't love Green Lantern comics) I would rate this slightly better than Iron Man.

                    lol, alright now ur going to far haha

                    Originally posted by LanternJordan2814 View Post
                    I know this is your opinion, and we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I just saw the movie with my family, and my mother (who knows nothing about Green Lantern) loved it. And everyone that left the theater said they liked it, or loved it. So many people not familiar to the character thought it was good, and not well written.

                    Would you mind explaining the exact things you didn't like, not just general things like the story. What about the story was bad? Would you make in black so the movie isn't ruined for the poor fans in Australia who wave to wait to see it?
                    i did post a review late last night after i got back from a midnight showing, but ill redo it again, and more specific, as i was really tired and probably rambling lol, ill also list some pros too, cuz the movie wasnt a total waste i must say.
                    as i said before, im a fan, love the comics, character and mythology. I am a film buff and currently a film major and an aspiring director and editor. So i perceived this movie from both sides of that coin. i have been following the production of this film since it was first green lit back in jan 2010 and was excited for it right away. And ever since the first trailers, posters, merchandise, character banners and commercials started to pop up i really thought this would be the best comic book movie of the summer, i even went as far as to tell all my friends, who arent comic book enthusiasts let alone green lantern ones, that it would be amazing and their minds would be blown. Maybe i hyped it up to much for myself and to my friends, but how couldnt i? geoff johns was involved, we got a great director, we got ryan reynolds, and the hottie that is blake lively. but after last a lot of that came tumbleing down for me, and this is why.

                    highlight to read.

                    lets start with what bothered me the most. OA, the gaurdians, sinestro, kilowog, tomar re and the rest of the glc. it was great seeing them in their live action forms, but they were teased and greatly under used. the trailers, commercials, posters, banners and merchandise that they were all over made it seem like they would all have something to say and do, but they barely did anything except show up and watch sinestro talk. now i know this is HALS movie, but the core is a big part of what green lantern is all about. and the effects for them looked great! all the aliens standing beside and behind hal were detailed and realistic looking to me, they were the best effects in the film. now why spend so much time and money on them if not to use them or socialize with hal in anyway, non of them said a word! and some that i was looking forward to seeing like stel bzzd and boodika i barely saw. and that attack with parallax was short and weak. And some key characters from the comics died fighting him! WTF! we didnt see enough of oa, it would have been cool to see other lanterns flying around or take a more extensive tour where they hang out and stuff. The training with kilowog was way to short! what he trained for a few hours? half a day maybe?? before he just quit? kilowog was also in the movie for what 5 mins? and sinestro, he looked great! mark strong was great as him but he didnt have anything to do but give speeches and give hal shit for being a human. They barely had any kind of relationship like in the comics, so when they become enemies in a possible future sequel it will be meaningless. the effects on the guardians looked unfinished at times, but they were depicted as they are in the comics personality wise, but it would have been cool to have had their names mentioned in the movies, especially ganthet. Sayd seemed to do most of the talking.

                    so the origin was pretty much right on point and u can see geoff johns secret origins influence on it with slight differences, that didnt bother me, everything after that did, after he got the ring things seemed to drag out, while other part(oa, training) were rushed.
                    Ryan Reynolds as hal was a good choice, not the best but not the worst, i really enjoy this actor, hes funny and has charming, similar to hal, but a little more jokey than hal, which was ok.
                    Blake livley as Carol farris was alright, again not great but not horrible.
                    Hector Hammonds portrayal came out as a bit nerdy, cheesy and weird at times and not really creepy or menacing, parallax giving him his powers kinda bothered me too, but i can let it go.
                    Parallax looked dumb, another cloud monster ( like in ff 2) that was mostly brownish and not really yellow or insect like wasnt very threatening looking.

                    Ring construct were too few and cheesy at times as well, the effects of them were ok, could have been better though. hal learned to make them too fast though, again not enough training sequence to see his progression.
                    the over all efffects were not well done. some of hals flying as gl, the dog fighting with the fighter jets, carols necklace, all looked fake and incomplete, the corps members looked the best but we barely got to see them and know them. Hals costume looked bad at times too.

                    the pacing and editing of the film were not well done, some parts came and went while others dragged and made the over all story boring.

                    the action wasnt very pleasing, the only part i can think that was really entertaining was sinestro training hal, that was fun to watch, but thats it, i wish hal got his hands a little dirtier with parallax, making some kind of constructs and hacking away at him more.

                    the music was awful and very forgettable. what happend to the cool and exciting music that was in the trailers that got me so hyped up everytime i heard it??

                    some pros:
                    the origin is faithful to the comics, oa, abin, sinestro, tomar, kilowog and the rest of the glc all looked great, blake livley is hot, hal had some funny one liners, the end credits scene when sinestro get the yellow ring and his costume change was cool to see, i even clapped for it, BUT it should have been saved for a sequel, as it was too soon to see and there was no real motive for him to get it cuz there was no real hint that he was going to the dark side yet at all.

                    i wanted to love this movie, i really did, like i said, im a gl fan, but it didnt do much for me, im gunna see it a second time and hopefully my opinion on it will change some, until then i give this movie a C-, thats as a fan.
                    please feel free to rebuttal on this review, as im wondering why some of you loved this movie and thought it was great, aside from the fact that you are gl fans.


                    • Originally posted by Black Lantern Superman View Post
                      lol, alright now ur going to far haha

                      i did post a review late last night after i got back from a midnight showing, but ill redo it again, and more specific, as i was really tired and probably rambling lol, ill also list some pros too, cuz the movie wasnt a total waste i must say.
                      as i said before, im a fan, love the comics, character and mythology. I am a film buff and currently a film major and an aspiring director and editor. So i perceived this movie from both sides of that coin. i have been following the production of this film since it was first green lit back in jan 2010 and was excited for it right away. And ever since the first trailers, posters, merchandise, character banners and commercials started to pop up i really thought this would be the best comic book movie of the summer, i even went as far as to tell all my friends, who arent comic book enthusiasts let alone green lantern ones, that it would be amazing and their minds would be blown. Maybe i hyped it up to much for myself and to my friends, but how couldnt i? geoff johns was involved, we got a great director, we got ryan reynolds, and the hottie that is blake lively. but after last a lot of that came tumbleing down for me, and this is why.

                      highlight to read.

                      lets start with what bothered me the most. OA, the gaurdians, sinestro, kilowog, tomar re and the rest of the glc. it was great seeing them in their live action forms, but they were teased and greatly under used. the trailers, commercials, posters, banners and merchandise that they were all over made it seem like they would all have something to say and do, but they barely did anything except show up and watch sinestro talk. now i know this is HALS movie, but the core is a big part of what green lantern is all about. and the effects for them looked great! all the aliens standing beside and behind hal were detailed and realistic looking to me, they were the best effects in the film. now why spend so much time and money on them if not to use them or socialize with hal in anyway, non of them said a word! and some that i was looking forward to seeing like stel bzzd and boodika i barely saw. and that attack with parallax was short and weak. And some key characters from the comics died fighting him! WTF! we didnt see enough of oa, it would have been cool to see other lanterns flying around or take a more extensive tour where they hang out and stuff. The training with kilowog was way to short! what he trained for a few hours? half a day maybe?? before he just quit? kilowog was also in the movie for what 5 mins? and sinestro, he looked great! mark strong was great as him but he didnt have anything to do but give speeches and give hal shit for being a human. They barely had any kind of relationship like in the comics, so when they become enemies in a possible future sequel it will be meaningless. the effects on the guardians looked unfinished at times, but they were depicted as they are in the comics personality wise, but it would have been cool to have had their names mentioned in the movies, especially ganthet. Sayd seemed to do most of the talking.

                      so the origin was pretty much right on point and u can see geoff johns secret origins influence on it with slight differences, that didnt bother me, everything after that did, after he got the ring things seemed to drag out, while other part(oa, training) were rushed.
                      Ryan Reynolds as hal was a good choice, not the best but not the worst, i really enjoy this actor, hes funny and has charming, similar to hal, but a little more jokey than hal, which was ok.
                      Blake livley as Carol farris was alright, again not great but not horrible.
                      Hector Hammonds portrayal came out as a bit nerdy, cheesy and weird at times and not really creepy or menacing, parallax giving him his powers kinda bothered me too, but i can let it go.
                      Parallax looked dumb, another cloud monster ( like in ff 2) that was mostly brownish and not really yellow or insect like wasnt very threatening looking.

                      Ring construct were too few and cheesy at times as well, the effects of them were ok, could have been better though. hal learned to make them too fast though, again not enough training sequence to see his progression.
                      the over all efffects were not well done. some of hals flying as gl, the dog fighting with the fighter jets, carols necklace, all looked fake and incomplete, the corps members looked the best but we barely got to see them and know them. Hals costume looked bad at times too.

                      the pacing and editing of the film were not well done, some parts came and went while others dragged and made the over all story boring.

                      the action wasnt very pleasing, the only part i can think that was really entertaining was sinestro training hal, that was fun to watch, but thats it, i wish hal got his hands a little dirtier with parallax, making some kind of constructs and hacking away at him more.

                      the music was awful and very forgettable. what happend to the cool and exciting music that was in the trailers that got me so hyped up everytime i heard it??

                      some pros:
                      the origin is faithful to the comics, oa, abin, sinestro, tomar, kilowog and the rest of the glc all looked great, blake livley is hot, hal had some funny one liners, the end credits scene when sinestro get the yellow ring and his costume change was cool to see, i even clapped for it, BUT it should have been saved for a sequel, as it was too soon to see and there was no real motive for him to get it cuz there was no real hint that he was going to the dark side yet at all.

                      i wanted to love this movie, i really did, like i said, im a gl fan, but it didnt do much for me, im gunna see it a second time and hopefully my opinion on it will change some, until then i give this movie a C-, thats as a fan.
                      please feel free to rebuttal on this review, as im wondering why some of you loved this movie and thought it was great, aside from the fact that you are gl fans.

                      In black, for the sake of the poor souls down under.

                      I agree with you that they should have focused on some of the aliens more, but then I thought to myself, it is a 2 hour movie, and they crammed in a lot as it was, and I don't think anyone that never read a GL comic would really care that they didn't focus on the aliens.

                      You are right, they should have done more with the training, and he should have beaten Parallax down more, with that said, I thought when Hal was getting closer to the sun, it was cool looking, but there should of still been more fighting like you said.

                      The relationship of Hal and Sinestro should have been focused on more too, but as previous stated, it was a 2 hour movie, but it still would have been important, to make GL2 better


                      • It's apparent they made this movie to be a trilogy.This movie was all Hal's Origin with a little GL stuff in it.

                        GL2 will be the corps and Hal doing real space work. Then battling "you know who". I would imagine GL2 would have very little earth in it. That stuff was all established in film #1.

                        GL3 who knows?

                        on a side note: My two friends who saw it with me (superman fans) were pumped when we left the theater. One asked me if we were seeing it again after he got off work


                        • Originally posted by Thunderlips View Post
                          It's apparent they made this movie to be a trilogy.This movie was all Hal's Origin with a little GL stuff in it.

                          GL2 will be the corps and Hal doing real space work. Then battling "you know who". I would imagine GL2 would have very little earth in it. That stuff was all established in film #1.

                          GL3 who knows?

                          on a side note: My two friends who saw it with me (superman fans) were pumped when we left the theater. One asked me if we were seeing it again after he got off work
                          lets focus on GL2 before we think of GL3
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • Originally posted by LanternJordan2814 View Post
                            The movie was great!

                            In my fair opinion (what I would think of the movie if I didn't love Green Lantern comics) I would rate this slightly better than Iron Man.

                            Quoted for truth.

                            I completely agree in both my biased and unbiased opinions.
                            No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

                            Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


                            • I seriously hope they get some writers with REAL talent to pen the next script...especially if *SPOILERS*they are going to touch the Sinestro Corps War storyline. *SPOILERS*


                              • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                                i wouldnt call it the worst but he makes a valid argument regarding the 300 million dollars.....

                                i mean really 300 million was spent and they couldnt get a better film editor?

                                im still standing with my 6.5 rating because as bad as the editing was i still enjoyed what i saw.

                                the only other gripe i have is the story fell flat in the middle of the film.

                                the parallax fight honestly i can forget but over all still good stuff regarding sinestro, carol, hal
                                you didn't read the part earlier in the thread about the budget? the film itself was 159 the marketing was 150 on it's own budget. someone just combined the number to make headlines

