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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • Originally posted by W.West View Post
    Green Lantern should start praying its the next Tron Legacy. A decent box office(which it looks like it'll definitely get) and an announced sequel thanks to less expensive sequel budget. The designing of Tron added up to a lot of cash that Disney would love to have back and Warners is in the same boat with GL.

    This is also me saying more big budget movies should be released in the winter like Avatar. A lot less competitive.
    in many different ways, nothing to do here in the winter except for indoor sports, or movies so it would do better


    • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
      I just don't think the studios care how well the comic is selling. They only care how many people will buy tickets to the movie. DVD sales, sure, as that is more relevant, since it shows interest in a MOVIE. But a rise in comic sales? I doubt that would figure in unless it was an OBSCENELY LARGE rise, like suddenly GL starts selling more copies than every other DC title added together...
      well yeah dvd's will help hence why i am buying the dvd and might buy 2 copies when it comess out cause i am sure my dad will want one


      • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
        I just don't think the studios care how well the comic is selling. They only care how many people will buy tickets to the movie. DVD sales, sure, as that is more relevant, since it shows interest in a MOVIE. But a rise in comic sales? I doubt that would figure in unless it was an OBSCENELY LARGE rise, like suddenly GL starts selling more copies than every other DC title added together...
        well look at the sony rami argument....

        .look at venom for example....... sony figured hey venom is what the fans wanted so they forced rami to put him in spiderman 3 knowing rami had all his scripts and ideas completed.

        people wanna blame rami for the movie sucking but i blame sony on that part.

        now me personally i never expected for gl to be tied with dark knight but with how movie goers are today they expect any comic film to be exactly the same tone as tdk.

        as great as tdk is i think its overrated because people will not shut up about how every film needs to follow that similar direction.

        most of the reviews i read complained how theres not enough action... ok fine but wheres that same attitude torwards ironman 1 and thor?

        both those films had a great story but wheres the negative remarks on the action?
        Guardian of the Universe
        Last edited by TazzMission; 06-16-2011, 07:37 PM.
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Understand, I don't think comic sales are totally irrelevant to a movie being made, but I think the point at which they are relevant is before the FIRST movie. I think comic sales figures might have had some effect on the fact that GL got a movie before, say, Flash or Wonder Woman. But once a movie is out there, I think a sequel is dependent on how that MOVIE sells (in theaters and on DVD), not on any prospective rise in comic sales.


          • heres a review from a guy who made a great point on it not being a dark knight or spiderman 2

            + YouTube Video
            ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • I agree I believe the comic sales were factored into the decision to make a GL movie


              • I thought Warners was so happy with the film they already greenlit the sequel and have writers on it? I'm sure that it'll have a conservative budget for a sequel but considering where the film seems to be heading a lower budget doesn't exactly mesh...


                • Heck Geoff Johns seemed to be pleased.



                    She blinded me with SCIENCE!


                    • I'm actually surprised by that review, genuinely surprised.


                      • Me too

                        She blinded me with SCIENCE!


                        • nooooooooooooo ebert likes gl nooooooo.... seriously though i didn't like thor that much so if gl is better then that i will be happy.


                          • Originally posted by InterestingJohn View Post
                            I'm actually surprised by that review, genuinely surprised.
                            why suprised? expected another bad review?
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • Originally posted by havik View Post
                              nooooooooooooo ebert likes gl nooooooo.... seriously though i didn't like thor that much so if gl is better then that i will be happy.
                              A 5 out of ten does not mean he liked it. It means it was okay.


                              • hey a half rating is better then a poor ratging i was never expecting gl to blow the roof off the place i was looking for a good enjoyable movie.

