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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • Originally posted by W.West View Post
    All that stuff is subject to opinion, that's not facts.
    No, they're still facts. It's like typos in a newspaper; it's not "opinion" if they're wrong. The same thing goes with technical aspects of a movie, scripting, and acting ability as well. Your opinion of the actor is irrelevant to their actual ability to act. For a non-movie example, plenty of folks hate Karl Rove, but you can't deny he's an extremely skilled politician. Or look at Dave Mustaine; he's one of the top guitarists in metal, but he's a dick.
    Originally posted by W.West View Post
    Reviews are why people came up with "agree to disagree"
    Reviews are for people to make informed decisions before spending their hard-earned cash. Which is more and more important nowadays given how obscenely expensive movie tickets are.
    Not a True Fan
    Last edited by SD80MAC; 05-26-2011, 04:53 PM.
    The last fan of 1990s comics
    Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


    • I'm not claiming Thor didn't have a villain in its marketing, I just don't think it was any more "clear" than Parallax or Hammond. There are clear and obvious threats to the hero, the world, and even the universe in all of the GL trailers and TV spots, just as there are in the Thor ones. Do we know more about the Destroyer than Parallax? No. In fact, having seen Thor, I'd say that the Destroyer was played up as more if a villain than e actually was, and I doubt that's the case with Parallax.

      It's fine to have an opinion on something, but I don't think this guy was bein fair or accurate in his assessements, of GL or any of the other opinions he gave.

      And where else to air these complaints but on a message board. You know X-Men and TF boards are probably having these same discussions.


      • Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
        No, they're still facts. It's like typos in a newspaper; it's not "opinion" if they're wrong. The same thing goes with technical aspects of a movie, scripting, and acting ability as well. Your opinion of the actor is irrelevant to their actual ability to act. For a non-movie example, plenty of folks hate Karl Rove, but you can't deny he's an extremely skilled politician. Or look at Dave Mustaine; he's one of the top guitarists in metal, but he's a dick.

        Reviews are for people to make informed decisions before spending their hard-earned cash. Which is more and more important nowadays given how obscenely expensive movie tickets are.
        I don't think I usually agree with you SD80MAC, but I completely agree with you here. If reviews were for "agreeing to disagree", that completely destroys their usefulness.


        • Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
          No, they're still facts. It's like typos in a newspaper; it's not "opinion" if they're wrong. The same thing goes with technical aspects of a movie, scripting, and acting ability as well. Your opinion of the actor is irrelevant to their actual ability to act. For a non-movie example, plenty of folks hate Karl Rove, but you can't deny he's an extremely skilled politician. Or look at Dave Mustaine; he's one of the top guitarists in metal, but he's a dick.

          Reviews are for people to make informed decisions before spending their hard-earned cash. Which is more and more important nowadays given how obscenely expensive movie tickets are.
          KILL YOURSELF!!!!!! (not literally please)

          There is no "FACTS" in acting. Its opinion. I know people who can't stand Al Pacino in ANY movie, so no they won't be "admitting" he has great ability. So if I find Ryan Reynolds to be annoying, how is it a fact that he's good because you happen to like him?

          There is no consensus of the world that "INCEPTION" was written extremely well and that "The Social Network" featured amazing acting talents throughout. That's why we have award shows because we all have differing tastes. So, I will continue to say that reviews are pointless unless you share that person's tastes.

          I don't give a shit about reviews so how does that effect me going to the theater? You can bring up stats about how movies have done in the box office compared to their reviews, but you won't be completely accurate until you poll everyone on the damn planet. Because not everyone gives the same two shits that you do. And that's my point. WE ARE HUMAN. WE HAVE FREE WILL. WE HAVE DIFFERENT VIEWS. THAT MEANS THE OTHER MAN'S VIEW DOESN'T HAVE TO EQUAL MINE. If that weren't the case, all you bitches would be Dawson's Creek fans because that show is filled with talented people with great plots and great dialogue. All undeniable because I said so. You said Karl Rove is undeniably a great politician, and I say Joshua Jackson is the greatest actor on television. We can go "fact" for "fact" can't we? That doesn't make it undeniable....


          • Originally posted by InterestingJohn View Post
            I don't think I usually agree with you SD80MAC, but I completely agree with you here. If reviews were for "agreeing to disagree", that completely destroys their usefulness.
            You're not understanding. If you need someone's opinion of a movie before you go see, wouldn't make it more sense to share that person's taste than to read someone who may be the polar opposite of you? If you're just interested in someone's opinion on a movie, then just read it. But if reading this review affects your thought process on a film you haven't seen then its completely pointless if that person doesn't feel the same way about things as you do. If he's a big Ryan Reynolds fan and thinks the guy can do no wrong, and you feel the opposite way, then why would want to read his review of a Ryan Reynolds movie knowing that he will most likely not enjoy what you would enjoy. That's like asking a guy who's lactose intolerate how he likes milk which happens to be your favorite drink. He hates the stuff and it gets him sick. You love it and it makes you grow. Do you agree to disagree or do you become SD80MAC and say "You're wrong. Milk is awesome, that's undeniable."


            • Originally posted by W.West View Post
              There is no "FACTS" in acting. Its opinion..
              Wrong again, no offense. Acting is technique, not opinion. Technique is fact, not opinion. Ever taken acting classes?

              I do agree that awards shows are pointless, though. They're nothing but popularity contests. And as far as not personally liking actors who are good at their actually completely proved my point.
              "You're wrong. Milk is awesome, that's undeniable."
              That's an opinion. The health benefits of milk, however, are undeniable. That's fact, not opinion. And that's what I'm getting at with technical aspects of a film and acting. You're misconstruing opinions of the person (or editing, sound design, etc) with factual analysis of technique.
              Not a True Fan
              Last edited by SD80MAC; 05-26-2011, 05:24 PM.
              The last fan of 1990s comics
              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


              • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                You're not understanding. If you need someone's opinion of a movie before you go see, wouldn't make it more sense to share that person's taste than to read someone who may be the polar opposite of you? If you're just interested in someone's opinion on a movie, then just read it. But if reading this review affects your thought process on a film you haven't seen then its completely pointless if that person doesn't feel the same way about things as you do. If he's a big Ryan Reynolds fan and thinks the guy can do no wrong, and you feel the opposite way, then why would want to read his review of a Ryan Reynolds movie knowing that he will most likely not enjoy what you would enjoy. That's like asking a guy who's lactose intolerate how he likes milk which happens to be your favorite drink. He hates the stuff and it gets him sick. You love it and it makes you grow. Do you agree to disagree or do you become SD80MAC and say "You're wrong. Milk is awesome, that's undeniable."
                I think the fundamental misunderstanding here is that reviews should NOT be based on opinion. If they are, they're shitty reviews. Reviews should be informed analyses of the subject, to allow others to learn from the reviewer's experience and make an informed opinion of their own. If a review is just someone's opinion, then it's not a review, it's an opinion :| Honestly, the vast majority of "reviews" on the internet are just disguised opinions, which doesn't make them reviews at all. Just like very few news outlets today can't put out straight news without skewing it or inserting their opinion somehow.


                • Originally posted by InterestingJohn View Post
                  Honestly, the vast majority of "reviews" on the internet are just disguised opinions, which doesn't make them reviews at all.
                  Agreed. Which is why when I check sites like Rotten Tomatoes, I ignore the main rating and go straight for the Top Critics section.
                  The last fan of 1990s comics
                  Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                  • You guys still fail to see the bigger picture, and biggest problem.

                    THE GLOVES STILL LOOK LIKE MITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
                      Wrong again, no offense. Acting is technique, not opinion. Technique is fact, not opinion. Ever taken acting classes?

                      I do agree that awards shows are pointless, though. They're nothing but popularity contests. And as far as not personally liking actors who are good at their actually completely proved my point.

                      That's an opinion. The health benefits of milk, however, are undeniable. That's fact, not opinion. And that's what I'm getting at with technical aspects of a film and acting. You're misconstruing opinions of the person (or editing, sound design, etc) with factual analysis of technique.
                      You can be technical all you want, but that doesn't make you undeniably GOOD or even interesting. Period. But this conversation is going nowhere. We'll just continue with examples until someone else chimes in and ruins it.

                      EDIT: Thank you irongreen, right on cue.


                      • Green Lantern movie tickets are now available on Fandango.....but so far in my area only 2 theaters as of now have posted up their movie times.


                        " He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."-Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
                          Agreed. Which is why when I check sites like Rotten Tomatoes, I ignore the main rating and go straight for the Top Critics section.
                          Define a top critic.


                          • Leave it to Iggy to save the day


                            • Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
                              Agreed. Which is why when I check sites like Rotten Tomatoes, I ignore the main rating and go straight for the Top Critics section.
                              i dont take reviews seriousley because a good porion of them are biased.

                              im still trying to get a reply from ign on the claim where one of there reviewers say's mortal kombat isnt a tournament style game......

                              its pretty oviouse the guy who wrote that aritcle and review is a die hard street fighter fan.
                              .................................................. ..........................

                              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                              • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                                Reviews are pointless unless you share that person's tastes on a consistent basis.
                                I totally agree with this, except the piece in question isn't a review, it's a prediction of the movies performance, which is something that ultimately can be quantified as accurate or not. It's also something that needs to be justified by evidence or data, however it's interpreted, but he failed to do that, instead just saying things like the proliferation of "trailers" (I assume he also meant TV spots) smacked of "desperation", even though X-Men, Transformers, Pirates, and every other movie coming out soon is doing the same thing.

                                Obviously it's his opinion, but he's passing it off as some sort of objective analysis, when in fact it's all just based on his gut reactions.

