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Green Lantern: New Guardians #14 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • Green Lantern: New Guardians #14 *Preview/Spoilers*

    Green Lantern: New Guardians #14 PREVIEW
    Writer: Tony Bedard
    Artist: Andrei Bressan & Amilcar Pinna
    Lil' Leaguer
    Last edited by Hypo; 11-21-2012, 12:45 AM.

  • #2
    Green Lantern masters power spectrum in 'New Guardians'
    Under the watch of writer Tony Bedard, the Green Lantern Kyle Rayner is getting a taste of the whole spectrum of cosmic colors.

    Rayner is on a mission to master all of the powers and emotions associated with the different Lantern Corps in DC Comics' Green Lantern: New Guardians series.

    Since launching last fall, Bedard's New Guardians has been focused on Rayner's connection to the Indigo Lanterns, Red Lanterns, Orange Lanterns and the rest. His goal now, though, is to bring all the disciplines together to be the White Lantern and a secret weapon against the increasingly feisty Guardians of Oa, although he still has a long way to go.

    In New Guardians issue 14 (out Wednesday), written by Bedard and drawn by Andrei Bressan and Amilcar Pinna, Rayner continues his quest of visiting prominent Lanterns of various shades by mastering the indigo energy of compassion and yellow energy of fear — although that latter one may be a bit tricky since he has to deal with the fearsome Arkillo.

    However, when Rayner reaches him, Arkillo's not in a great place. He feels he has been betrayed by the true master of fear, Sinestro — who, along with Green Lantern Hal Jordan, has been taken off the board by the villainous Black Hand.

    "Kyle is going to have to mentor Arkillo as it turns out," says Bedard, who has found the Sinestro Corps warrior to be a fun character to write.

    "When we started the book, his tongue had been ripped out and he was basically just this scary dinosaur-looking dude. We've kind of restored him — he's got a weird friendship with the Blue Lantern Saint Walker, and he's developed more of a personality. But he'd still just as soon kill you as look at you, so there's that."

    Since Green Lantern writer Geoff Johns added many of these colored Lanterns to the universe of the will-powered Green Lanterns and created a rich galactic mythology, the stories explored have shown men, women and aliens who are not black and white in terms of deeds and personalities. Instead, it's all a nice shade of gray.

    Rayner learns this, too, when training with Indigo-1 and trying to learn the indigo energy.

    "She tells him compassion isn't necessarily a positive thing. He feels that positive emotions like hope come easily to him, but things like avarice are going to be a harder thing to master," Bedard says.

    "With avarice, you think greed is something that will always be bad, but self interest drives us to do a lot of good things. There's a lot of stuff to mine there in those different emotions."

    To study up on his avarice, Rayner encounters Larfleeze, the unpredictable Orange Lantern, next month in issue 15, and that and love will be the final two colors he'll need to have the whole spectrum working within himself, according to Bedard.

    "It's ironic, you'd think Kyle who's had all these girlfriends would have no problem mastering love," he says, "but that's going to end up being the last piece of the puzzle for him."

    It couldn't come at a better time because the clock is ticking in order for him to ignite the white light. The Guardians are up to no good in the current "Rise of the Third Army" story line crossing over in all the Green Lantern books, and if Rayner can get all the emotional energy under his control, he might be able to stop them.

    Bedard says Rayner will come face to face with the father figure and Guardian who gave him his ring, Ganthet, in issue 16, and that showdown rolls into the next major story line, "Wrath of the First Lantern."

    "Every once in a while Geoff comes up with these things that explode the possibilities in the Green Lantern idea, and I think he's come up with another great twist with the First Lantern," Bedard says. "It almost eclipses what is being set up right now. It cranks up the danger level to 11 when the First Lantern finally hits the scene."

    Carol Ferris, who has become a co-star of sorts in New Guardians, will also play a significant role in the current and upcoming story lines. The most prominent of the love-filled Star Sapphires, she's shepherding Rayner through his gauntlet of colors in order to rescue Hal Jordan, and one issue of the "First Lantern" issues will focus on her and her background.

    "She's a venerable Lantern character," Bedard says. "In some ways, she's been as big a nemesis to Hal Jordan as Sinestro was as Hal Jordan's love of his life. It's fun to get to examine her and her take on everything that's happening in the Lantern-verse."

    Of all the human Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner has always felt most identifiable to Bedard, more so than John Stewart, Guy Gardner or Jordan, who was a fearless test pilot from the start.

    "Kyle is more like you and I, and it's almost like what if one of us got the ring. He's the most relatable from the start of the four Earth Lanterns, and he's also always finding his way through this whole Lantern thing," Bedard says.

    "He's the one who's had the most relationships because he's more dimensional as a character than the other guys. I'm sure Geoff and (Green Lantern Corps writer Peter Tomasi) would argue against that but Kyle is the one who seems the most real to me."


    • #3
      This issue he Masters the power of Compassion and took on Akillo by himself! Intresting to see Kyle Contructions here! Larfleeze and Carol Ferris Next! The Glc secret weapon!
      Let Ther Be LIGHT! Evil Beware My Powers!!!


      • #4
        poll added


        • #5
          The story was decent (though Indigo was so rushed), but I couldn't get past the art. When I glancned at page 1, my first thought was literally "who is this girl wearing Kyle's uniform?" I did like the droll on Arkillo though (second-to-last page iirc).


          • #6
            Is it me or does yellow lantern kyle look like guardian of the yellow lantern corps?

            Story was basic from the #0 issue. Just show how it all comes together nothing more than that.


            • #7
              The art was pretty annoying this issue
              As for the pace of the story it's obv that Kyle is mastering the spectrum too fill GJ storyline
              Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011


              • #8
                Meh issue. A few cool twists, but still very rushed and so-so art. Wasn't keen on Bedard spoiling Kyle's ultimate mission (white ring!) in that interview, though. Ugh! "Wrath of the First Lantern"? Good lawd, DC has had the shittiest event names lately. They're all "[Blank] of the [Blank]."

                I noticed the Yellow Lantern/Guardian similarity, too. Had written it into my upcoming review right before I read this post!
                Not a True Fan
                Last edited by SD80MAC; 11-22-2012, 04:03 AM.
                The last fan of 1990s comics
                Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                • #9
                  The issue was better than the RL issue. I don't get why only the "negative" emotions get the costume treatment in the book, though.

                  His "Guardian" costume is incredibly lame. I don't get why he's even wearing shorts with it ... not even Superman weark trunks anymore.


                  • #10
                    The last fan of 1990s comics
                    Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                    • #11
                      Cool. Nice attention to detail. I can honestly say, however, that I didn't think of Banner from Avengers, having only seen the movie once and not reading Marvel. Is that idea (that he always is angry) in the comics?


                      • #12
                        The art was so distracting I couldn't overlook how hokey the story was. Good art could have at least insulated me from the goofiness of the whole mastering 7 colors and 7 emotions thing. But ah, it didn't. The first issue this guy did art for I gave it a pass because I could see elements of Frank Quitely in his pages. I was thinking he just needed time to hone his craft. But here it just looks like sloppy fill in work. Some of those pages with closups of Kyle's face with the bulky masks on are fucking brutal to look at.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                          Cool. Nice attention to detail. I can honestly say, however, that I didn't think of Banner from Avengers, having only seen the movie once and not reading Marvel. Is that idea (that he always is angry) in the comics?
                          That I do not know. It was just a great one-liner from the film, that's all.

                          I feel bad for Tony Bedard; it's clear that editorial is driving this story, and he could do so much better free from such event-laden constraints.
                          The last fan of 1990s comics
                          Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
                            ...I feel bad for Tony Bedard; it's clear that editorial is driving this story, and he could do so much better free from such event-laden constraints.
                            I agree. It's not badly written, just too compressed and forced.


                            • #15
                              Based on the interview, everything's so compressed that even Bedard's not sure what's going on. He even referred to Kyle as having had multiple girlfriends since becoming GL, but in the New 52, he's only had Alex!
                              The last fan of 1990s comics
                              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe

