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Green Lantern: New Guardians #2 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • Green Lantern: New Guardians #2 *Preview/Spoilers*

    Green Lantern: New Guardians #2 PREVIEW
    Writer: Tony Bedard
    Artist: Tyler Kirkham

  • #2
    Is this just more retcons for the DCnU pile, or is Saint Walker forgetting/unaware that there were piles of Orange rings sitting around back in Larfleeze's lair, and the one Larfleeze wore showed the capability to make a duplicate during Blackest Night? He seems to be pretty certain that the orange ring's presence means SOMETHING definite about Larfleeze's status.


    • #3
      Honestly I can't remember from when it happened, but did Saint Walker see the cavern where Hal first met Larfleeze and see all the rings that were there?
      I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


      • #4
        I don't recall, though he was definitely there during Blackest Night to see the ring duplicate itself...


        • #5
          Saint Walker never saw the pile of rings on Okaara (I believe) so he wouldn't know about the others. He knows Larfleeze would never willingly duplicate his ring or give it away, so his conclusion, based on his knowledge, is sound.

          Ganthet is the one that initiated the ring duplication, but Larfleeze even if he could, would never do it willingly.

          And I just noticed a real error. The red ring floating in front of Kyle has the blue symbol on it.
          Corps Honor Guard
          Last edited by Spectremjm; 10-24-2011, 07:22 PM.
          "My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
          Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
          Jordan... And The Spectre.

          I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
          who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
          to change the world. This time, Lord...
          Let me be worthy."


          • #6
            Still, though, it seems rather amusing that Mister "All Will Be Well" is so quick to assume that particular explanation. Seems a bit pessimistic for him.


            • #7
              He may be super optimistic, but he isn't stupid. LOL
              "My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
              Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
              Jordan... And The Spectre.

              I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
              who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
              to change the world. This time, Lord...
              Let me be worthy."


              • #8
                Thank heavens!


                • #9
                  Well he prob assumed the only way that Larfleeze would part with his is death

                  He never saw the pile of rings on Okaara
                  Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011


                  • #10
                    Handpicked by a GoftheU.............. s@ck it Hal fans

                    IonFan says

                    MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                    • #11
                      So... the interior art shows Walker in the same suit he's been wearing since RotRLs. I knew that eyesore of a new suit was just a miscolored cover or four....



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                        Handpicked by a GoftheU.............. s@ck it Hal fans
                        Of course, the very FIRST time we saw Ganthet, what did he do? Handpicked Hal to help him. And who was handpicked by ALL the Guardians to lead the Corps? Hmmm....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                          Of course, the very FIRST time we saw Ganthet, what did he do? Handpicked Hal to help him. And who was handpicked by ALL the Guardians to lead the Corps? Hmmm....
                          oh yeah and who was booted out for his actions................

                          IonFan says

                          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                            oh yeah and who was booted out for his actions................
                            Or rather, because he he was so powerful, he scared them...


                            • #15
                              really this again
                              Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011

