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Kyle's Relationships (SPOILERS from Blackest Night #8)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Vaegrin View Post
    I think this will be a bump in the road for Kyle and Soranik, a device used to create some tension and develop their relationship, but nothing more. I actually doubt that Kyle and Jade will even have all that much time together.
    I share the same fear, and I'd be higly disappointed - but absolutely not surprised - if the main focus of Jenny's resurrection in the GL books would be Soranik's jelousy and not Kyle's relief of seeing someone so dear to him, that he missed so much, alive again.

    I won't mind Jenny and Kyle as a couple again, the few scenes they had together before she died were cute and somewhat of a starting point for fixing things between them, and they can talk and work out the problem about her infidelity and such... but it seems DC is going strongly for clusterized interaction, so if you are not in the same book you'd barely remember you know each other, let alone be in a relationship. I love Kyle/Donna more than any other option for him but at the current state of things it is so unlikely they even talk to each other I don't bother evaluating the possibility. Jenny is at the end of the day in a similar situation, so who knows..?
    I just hope she won't be put in a bad or idiotic light to give Kyle/Soranik credit, as it has already been done with her zombie version. :/

    And I agree that as long as Kyle is confined to space, with the generic personality Tomasi has given him, he can date Kilowog and I won't care that much.


    • #32
      Very much agreed, Levy. On all points!

      And hahaha, oh TorchToucher, don't you know? Conflict resolution, temperaments, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, approach and attachment styles have nothing to do with how long you last! It's all about destiny and fate and tethers. Not that I mind mystical love aspects in a mythos like GL, of course -- it's rather befitting, but it does not mean I can't roll my eyes at it.


      • #33
        Originally posted by torchtoucher View Post
        Why are people taking my comment about kyle dying seriously? Oh, well... Anyway, I love Kyle, but I'm tired of this soul-mate, true love BS. A real relationship will work because the two people put forth effort into it, not because fate has decided you're most compatible with this person. I wish he were single so that he could get individual development rather than be a device used to create soap opera drama. I don't want to see Kyle and Jade get back together, nor do I want Kyle and Natu to stay together.

        If Kyle and Jade do get back together, I want the fact that she cheated on him to be addressed. If they ignore it and pretend it never happened, it'd feel cheap. If Kyle and Natu do stay together, I want the fact that Kyle lied to Soranik to be addressed, and the fact that he's kept most of his past a secret from her addressed. I'd be more interested in the relationship if it didn't solely rely on outside forces pushing them together. Realistic conflict in a relationship makes a pairing interesting.

        But I don't care anymore, as long as Kyle goes back to Earth and gets his personality back.
        Oh. Sorry for missing the joke. I am no longer confused.

        My soulmate comment was tongue in cheek. I just want to see Kyle and Jade together again. Which means they're soulmates.

        I would also like to see Kyle get a personality again. I just don't think being single is necessary for that. Relationships--romantic or otherwise--are one of the best ways to display and develop a character's personality.

        I do agree that Jade's infidelity needs to be addressed. Big time. It would be very disappointing, not to mention unrealistic, to see it swept under the rug. You know there would be some serious trust issues, at a minimum. Kyle and Jade had a nice little talk, and a nice little hug, but neither one of them has really faced the reality of Jade's betrayal.


        • #34
          Honestly I'd like to see Kyle back on Earth and dating regular chicks. Always dating super heroes is getting old and I can't say I like the idea of Kyle and Soranik. He's been with Jade a few times now, had a fling with Donna....

          ...let him date normal chicks and try to get his life back. The only way to do it right is in a monthly though and we'll never see that unless the GL franchise starts to go south and TPTB take quick action. And if Kyle STILL wanted some alien poonani I think it'd be interesting to see him hook up with Starfire. Kyle and Dick never had any big missions together or went out for a beer like Kyle and Roy, I could see it leading to some interesting developments for all three.

          Ωmega Man
          Guardian of the Universe
          Last edited by Ωmega Man; 04-12-2010, 02:19 AM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
            Honestly I'd like to see Kyle back on Earth and dating regular chicks. Always dating super heroes is getting old and I can't say I like the idea of Kyle and Soranik. He's been with ade a few times now, had a fling with Donna....

            ...let him date normal chicks and try to get his life back. The only way to do it right is in a monthly though and we'll never see that unless the GL franchise starts to go south and TPTB take quick action. And if Kyle STILL wanted some alien poonani I think it'd be interesting to see him hook up with Starfire. Kyle and Dick never had any big missions together or went out for a beer like Kyle and Roy, I could see it leading to some interesting developments for all three.

            Oh god, no. Us Starfire and Titans fans know that the LAST thing Koriand'r's character needs again is to be involved in another triangle, OR date her best friend's ex. She's had enough relationship drama define her entire existence already.

            Kyle had a thing for that mute at the art camp, flirted with Allison the nude model, and had about four or five crushes and attempted flings with regular earth girls in between every break up and every moment he was single that he got. Heroes tend to date heroes more often, it just happens -- kind of like Hollywood. The actors and actresses tend to date each other more. I'm fine with him dating an earth girl or a hero, as long as it's not written like Soranik and Kyle.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
              Jade in JLA and Kyle in GLC is oil and water, unless GLC decides to relocate their base of operations to Earth.

              Which actually might happen now, huh?
              They've done that once before though. They may try to find a new planet, or base it off Mogo.


              • #37
                Jade "Kyle, I am dieing forgive me cheating on you"
                Kyle "Sure thing I always loved you"

                Jade "Kyle I am back among the living! If we date again with you off in
                space I will cheat on you again most likely."

                Kyle "Ring is lethal force still authorized?"
                RING " Hell ya."


                Ok with that being said I was always a Kyle/Jade fan but I think way too much will be going on to address them for awhile. I can see Kyle being able to let it go and never bring it up again.

                Guy and Ice I think might see more facetime but thats just my quick thoughts on it
                1 Riot, 1 Ringslinger


                • #38
                  Why cant we just see KYLE with a normal human woman, who has no super powers? Instead we always have to see him with this super powered chick or that, Why cant dc bring back ALLISON CHANDLER the model who used to live in the same apartment as KYLE? I always thought that she had alot of potential to grow as a character.
                  I also despise this heart tethering bs, what kind of hokey $hit is that?
                  IMO KYLE needs to be brought back to earth and be given his own life back.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by TEN_RINGS View Post
                    Why cant we just see KYLE with a normal human woman, who has no super powers? Instead we always have to see him with this super powered chick or that, Why cant dc bring back ALLISON CHANDLER the model who used to live in the same apartment as KYLE? I always thought that she had alot of potential to grow as a character.
                    I also despise this heart tethering bs, what kind of hokey $hit is that?
                    IMO KYLE needs to be brought back to earth and be given his own life back.
                    Kyle actually tried to date many earth girls. After Alex, even. He tried to hook up with an old friend from school, he dated an ex teacher of his, hit on a waitress, et cetera. Heck, even when he dated Donna Troy, she had no powers for half of their relationship and didn't belong to any intergalactic space patrol program. I know you seem to have a thing for Allison, but she was just kind of a plot device to bring up drama. Kyle can charm the skirt off of any girl, though, so if he ever found her I'm sure he could get her.

                    However Kyle has a pretty crazy life -- as I mentioned before, superheroes seem to be a lot like Hollywood stars. Their relationships have shorter than average lifespans and more often than not they feel most comfortable dating each other. When you live that kind of life, you have to put more thought into who you date and why, rather than just how you feel about them. Natu is a good choice right now, logically, outside of how lame I think the couple is. Jade or Donna would be okay, but Kyle even said to Guy, "you're either with her or you aren't" -- he knows from personal experience how crappy long distance can be. As long as he is in the Corps, I don't know why he'd date an Earth girl. Hal's the Earth-stationed GL, so he's pretty much the only one who can do it.

                    I think Superman, and both Barry and Wally pull off dating non-powered women the best because they literally can juggle much more on their plate than your average hero. They have more time with their women (well, not Supes as of recently) and won't leave the girl feeling left out, stood up or lonely.

                    Kyle even was going to pursue a relationship with marissa, right? Was that her name? The girl from the art camp in Ion. So yeah, he's had plenty of potential non-powered love interests. A lot of people want him to date someone NEW if he dates again, but I like him going back to either Jade or Donna because I don't want him to collect love interests like stamps. It just becomes annoying and past Peter Parker-ish or Wolverine at that level.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by missferris View Post
                      Kyle actually tried to date many earth girls. After Alex, even. He tried to hook up with an old friend from school, he dated an ex teacher of his, hit on a waitress, et cetera.
                      I have every issue of Kyle's run except for the first issue of Hero Quest and the last issue of While Rome Burned. I think I might've missed a Secret Files issue somewhere cause the only one in your list that comes to mind is the waitress from the GL/GA team-up. Are you assuming Kyle is gay now and Tyler was his man-cake from their college days? And where in the hell did the teacher come into play?



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by TEN_RINGS View Post
                        Why cant we just see KYLE with a normal human woman, who has no super powers?


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                            I have every issue of Kyle's run except for the first issue of Hero Quest and the last issue of While Rome Burned. I think I might've missed a Secret Files issue somewhere cause the only one in your list that comes to mind is the waitress from the GL/GA team-up. Are you assuming Kyle is gay now and Tyler was his man-cake from their college days? And where in the hell did the teacher come into play?

                            I shall get my friend/slave to post scans. The girl was cute and had a dark complexion, as did his (ex)teacher. I AM RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG AND I WILL SHOW YOU, FOOL.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
                              Seriously. I just want Kyle in a well developed relationship, I don't care if she has powers or not. But at this rate I'm getting sick of him collecting love interest after love interest in arc after arc.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
                                Then Hal REALLY shouldn't date any non-superpowered Earth girls... he's already got TWO non-superpowered ex-girlfriends that've been killed that are from Earth. Kyle's only got one.

