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was johns part in the jl and jlu animated series good for him?/for gl comics?

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  • was johns part in the jl and jlu animated series good for him?/for gl comics?

    I was thinking about this since obviously it helped Johns character out alot...very few mainstream people even knew about john before the jl animated series...the series put him to the forfront of mainstream gls....hal was evil or dead at this time ,and they even bypassed the then current gl kyle rayner in favor of having a minority as the green lantern. guy was it was a very good thing for john.......but was it good for the green lantern franchise? that is my true question.

  • #2
    I think it made the perception tha Green Lantern was only Black, and that others were not the real Green Lantern


    • #3
      I think it helped his EXPOSURE... but I think it did harm to him as a character.

      I don't think it's too outrageous a claim to say that he was included over Kyle or Hal in order to balance out the "diversity"... just like Hawkgirl was added over someone like Aquaman or Green Arrow.

      Honestly... before that cartoon... who gave a shit about Hawkgirl? And that stupid Mace? What the fuck is it made out of? Kick-Ass-amantium? Fucking lame.


      Putting John in that cartoon meant, according to the Transitive Property of DC Media, that he would have to start showing up in the comics.

      But not as a character with any kind of interesting or controversial history... like being AFRICAN AMERICAN or having been a DEMI-GOD of sorts... but the dumbed down, multicultural pablum version from the cartoon.

      Which made him boring. Completely and utterly boring.


      • #4
        I think it was good for the character as well as the title, Although I think it has caused quite a bit of confusion for casual fans, since now you'll see a lot of people complaining that the movie Green Lantern isn't black....
        The Corpsman formerly known as JadeSkarab


        • #5
          Originally posted by Showens View Post
          I think it was good for the character as well as the title, Although I think it has caused quite a bit of confusion for casual fans, since now you'll see a lot of people complaining that the movie Green Lantern isn't black....
          So True.


          • #6
            I think it was great for the popularity of GL overall, and his character. But for anything regarding the comics, it probably hurt it since DC has had nothing to take advantage of this surge of popularity outside of JohnnyDC titles. If DC put out a miniseries during that time, it would have sold whether the quality was there or not. Now, not so much.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Showens View Post
              I think it was good for the character as well as the title, Although I think it has caused quite a bit of confusion for casual fans, since now you'll see a lot of people complaining that the movie Green Lantern isn't black....
              I second that.


              • #8
                at first i thought gl was just a black hero but after knowing stewart is what the 3rd gl? i fell in love with the gl franchise no matter who wore the ring. i think if dc really wants to expose gl in a great way id love to see a gl animated series starting from alan scott and ending at guy gardner. that way people see the history of whos who and shit
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • #9
                  I think it was good exposure for GL in general but it did harm to the John Stewart character. Prior to the cartoon, John was portrayed as an intelligent man who struggled to deal with the racial sterotypes he felt from both the white and black community. He did not conform to either groups expectations of who he should be.

                  Englehart portrayed him with a streak of "anti-establisshment", which made the later retcon of him joining the armed services seem a bit out of character. Jones added to that by portraying him a highly cultured guy whose interests varied outside of conventional sterotypes. During Kyle's run he was often seen as being wise, funny, and level headed.

                  IMO the cartoon pigeon-holed him into a typical Shaft or Luke Cage wannabe; all tough guy and attitude with much less depth then we've seen in the past. Johns has basically run with this personality.
                  Weaponer of Qward
                  Last edited by unclegnewman; 02-01-2010, 10:55 PM.


                  • #10
                    It was great for the character at the time. I loved the animatedshow, and the guy that voiced him (wasn't he the guy from In Living Color?) had a great voice for the role. They got the diversity they wanted, and the show worked.

                    For comics I think it wasn't so good because DC basically showhorned John into the JLA and didn't really make the most of him. Kind of a half hearted attempt. And who can blame them? They were about to relaunch the GL franchise with it's most associated character back at the helm. Why put that at risk?

                    I don't think you'll see any other GL than Hal as the focus in movies or cartoons for a few years now (Guy's appearance in B+B aside).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
                      I think it helped his EXPOSURE... but I think it did harm to him as a character.

                      I don't think it's too outrageous a claim to say that he was included over Kyle or Hal in order to balance out the "diversity"... just like Hawkgirl was added over someone like Aquaman or Green Arrow.

                      Honestly... before that cartoon... who gave a shit about Hawkgirl? And that stupid Mace? What the fuck is it made out of? Kick-Ass-amantium? Fucking lame.


                      Putting John in that cartoon meant, according to the Transitive Property of DC Media, that he would have to start showing up in the comics.

                      But not as a character with any kind of interesting or controversial history... like being AFRICAN AMERICAN or having been a DEMI-GOD of sorts... but the dumbed down, multicultural pablum version from the cartoon.

                      Which made him boring. Completely and utterly boring.
                      Doc is right.
                      His character was included in the cartoon for a reason. And while he was enjoyable on the show I would have much rather had Hal or Kyle.

                      John was kinda just the token black dude who had a crush on Hawkgirl.
                      "Don't disturb my circles."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ion.nai View Post
                        Doc is right.
                        His character was included in the cartoon for a reason. And while he was enjoyable on the show I would have much rather had Hal or Kyle.

                        John was kinda just the token black dude who had a crush on Hawkgirl.
                        A couple of the early episodes, he acted like the token black dude. But they boosted his character up a lot. More episodes were devoted to his character than any other on the course of the two shows.

                        John was a breakout hit for the show. As for the question at hand, I think he did a lot to boost GL among non-comic book people. However, since the John of the comics is very different than the John of JL/JLU, I would say it was overall bad for his character in the comics.


                        • #13
                          I think any exposure in the mainstream media is a very positive thing. John was included for obvious demographic reasons in which I didn't necessarily agree with.To me JLU is beyond race and color and I think it caused more confusion than anything else. Johns character is still virtually unexploited in the comic book media and DC still has no idea on where they want to take the character. Green Lantern could have been handled better on the show as well. They could have used every single earth Lantern easily and avoided confusing those who were not familiar with the Green Lantern mythology. They would have avoided alienating the true fans as well.


                          The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, that even a god-king can bleed.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SmurfLantern View Post
                            I think any exposure in the mainstream media is a very positive thing. John was included for obvious demographic reasons in which I didn't necessarily agree with.To me JLU is beyond race and color and I think it caused more confusion than anything else. Johns character is still virtually unexploited in the comic book media and DC still has no idea on where they want to take the character. Green Lantern could have been handled better on the show as well. They could have used every single earth Lantern easily and avoided confusing those who were not familiar with the Green Lantern mythology. They would have avoided alienating the true fans as well.
                            I have to almost completely agree with your assessment,they did cause great confusion and failed to utilize some great characters as well as get some momentum for the character who was the one and only GL at the time so IMO it was a foolish move in the long run,even if HAL was still out of the picture.


                            • #15
                              Any exposure for GL's in general is a good thing... and I'm sick of hearing about John's nationality. Anyone that religiously followed the show would know that there's a diverse Corps and ALL GL's aren't Black. John is just one of many GL's as is Kilowog, Katma and Galius.

                              The only thing about John in the JLU that made me scratch my head was the relationship with Hawkgirl that never really went anywhere. I've always wanted to ask Geoff Johns, "WTF were you thinking, man?!?" That relationship didn't even exist in the books... and they even had a child together!

