Did anyone else notice how quickly Guy forgave Hal for the whole Parallax fiasco ??? Hal made a comment about this in an issue about how shocked he was when Guy's attitude changed ... When Parallax was overwriting the Warrior powers, I wonder if the parasite and Sinestro did more to Guy than that ... Perhaps, they programmed him to betray the Corps and Hal during the Sin Wars ... What do ya think ???
I hope I'm wrong about this, because Guy is my favorite GL ...
I know how important it is to reference things, so I'm talking about Green Lantern #11 (June 06) ...
"He (Guy) forgave me faster than anyone else for what happened. I thought he would've been last. Funny how the people you think you know best still surprise you."
I hope I'm wrong about this, because Guy is my favorite GL ...
I know how important it is to reference things, so I'm talking about Green Lantern #11 (June 06) ...
"He (Guy) forgave me faster than anyone else for what happened. I thought he would've been last. Funny how the people you think you know best still surprise you."