Hey Just want to wish all a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year! I'm heading out of town after work tomorrow, so I'll talk to all next week some time. Enjoy the holidays!
Happy holidays. Have a nice trip! I personally am the host of our family christmas dinner so I won't be going anywhere but the kitchen. I am a decent chef after all.
"Gone are all my comforts, I held so dear
Sold them to strangers looking for a deal
You left me here all alone, my worst fear
Don't think this kind of pain will ever heal
I gave to you my life and love for years
Look deep in my eyes, my pain do you feel
All I ever wanted was to be loved
Waiting on dad to take me up above"
Merry Christmas to you and to everyone else on these boards!
:On worlds afar or scenes at home, wherever the cause should make me roam, always i vow to fight the good fight, to combat evil with all green lanterns might!: