Welcome to the Corps let me show you around....Over here we have Andrew's Office *whispers* can't go in he's filming again....Over here is IonFan's Art Gallery...Notice still no nude Natu's *snaps fingers* damn.....in here is The_Mad_Dragon's...Ooops..Um he's busy with his porn collection...Over there is Maverick_GL our resident Cyborg, just ignore the cat with the beer and remote control we don't know what that's about...That guy over there sitting in the huge pile of Transformer toys and looking at Deviant Art nudes of Princess Iolande, is Orion Pax we just let him have his fantasy world...The guy in the flash costume with a note pad is W.West he fancy's him self a Hollywood Reporter and usually has the scoop, um just ignore his prattle about the Flash....This young man in the orange business suit is Fearless2814.1 watch yourself around him. He is the greedy head of a international corporate machine. Now over in the corner is Bruce Castle...he's our resident Tom Jones expert. This guy standing behind me with the Heron Marked Sword and a Camo colored cape is Shingo Wol...I think he has read The Wheel of Time to much...think's he is a Warder. Now over here is the discussion tables feel free to be post whores...we all are...It was nice to meet you and show you around our asyl..err board...remember meds at 2 and lights out at sundown...Have fun...
"...and I shall shed my light over dark evil....
For the dark things cannot stand the light.....
the light of the Green Lantern!"
-Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern-
Welcome to the board, come on in, have a read, how about a trip to qward or two. Let me tell ya, at The Green Lantern Corps Message Board, we'll start you off with our Announcements Section, featuring jumbo over-sized posts by Andrew as well as the other mods, served on a black background.
After that we'll take you to the mile long Green Lanternverse, featuring more than 4 volumes of Green Lantern goodness, served in a punch bowl with 18 pounds of ranch dressing, Lantern-stuffed comics, and what the hell, a couple of podcasts!
Then we'll wheel out our bottomless trough of Miscellaneous.
We'll follow that up with our massive he-man sized Ask the Mods/Site/Forum Help, covered with over-sized and stuffed posts by the mods, drizzled with butter.