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  • What Led WWE To Terminating Goldust's Contract?
    Date Added: May 10, 2012
    Story By: Steve Carrier
    - As noted before, Goldust was recently released by WWE after working as a producer for the SmackDown brand. Word came out that an undisclosed incident at the April 24th SmackDown tapings in Grand Rapids, Michigan led to his contract being terminated. now reports that the belief is that Goldust was responsible for coming up with the spot on SmackDown where Yoshi Tatsu took a double-team powerbomb finisher from Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Tatsu landed bad and the bump was said to look even worse live than it did on TV.

    Young and O'Neil were not in action on the May 4th SmackDown but did work this week's tapings, using a different finishing move.
    .................................................. ..........................

    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


    • that's B.S.
      They didn't want him anymore...

      Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

      facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


      • So Cena is getting a divorce, and his soon to be ex wife has hired the same asshole attorney Raymond Rafool who's Hogans ex wife Linda had, who ended up taking 70percent of Hogans shit.

        Looks like Cena will have to wrestle for another 10 years to make up for it, good job he doesn't have kids otherwise he would be fucked for life, its going to be tough on Cena either way.

        TBH if I had hot women like Eve walking around it would be hard to say no, Cena must have banged one of the diva's there in his time, if not more than one, happens all the time with wrestlers.

        These things are never happen out of the blue, his wife must have a shitload of dirt on Cena that why she's been sitting there waiting for her moment to strike and take his shit, his private life is about to become very public if its anything like Hogans divorce.

        Another insider warns that this isn’t going to be pretty, saying “This is going to dwarf the Hogan divorce in nastiness.” Yikes.
        That does not sound good.....

        I don't like Cena, but I hate bitches more who just open their legs and expect to take half or more in Linda's case! of a man's shit that he worked hard for, was she on the road every night busting her ass? No, just BS man.

        Cena's good public imagine is about to be ruined.
        Frank Castle
        Last edited by Frank Castle; 05-11-2012, 10:08 AM.



        • No, it won't. Cena's base won't be reading wrestling reports and watching TMZ.

          I remember watching the Randy Orton dvd that recently came out, and seeing a bit of his home life. His wife seemed so depressed. I can't imagine raising a kid on my own, knowing that while I'm financially stable, my other half is out there risking that very thing night in and night out...and then finding out that they get to fuck around too? Shit, I'd be right there with Linda Hogan too.


          • Pfft wimp! you'd let a women take 70 percent of your stuff you earned in life, no sorry I just can't accept that, 50/50 maybe, if I was the one that fucked everything up, but 70 perecent of 20 plus years, hell no.

            They knew what they signed up for when they met these men, a housewife stuck at home all day being bored was the only thing that was going to happen.

            Still could be worse your husband could decide to come home one day early off schedule and murder you and then kill himself.



            • Cenas got a pre nup so I don't think the lawyer will get as much as he hopes. Also cena is the ozone that filed for divorce so maybe its he who cheated on him.


              • Originally posted by Frank Castle View Post
                So Cena is getting a divorce, and his soon to be ex wife has hired the same asshole attorney Raymond Rafool who's Hogans ex wife Linda had, who ended up taking 70percent of Hogans shit.

                Looks like Cena will have to wrestle for another 10 years to make up for it, good job he doesn't have kids otherwise he would be fucked for life, its going to be tough on Cena either way.

                TBH if I had hot women like Eve walking around it would be hard to say no, Cena must have banged one of the diva's there in his time, if not more than one, happens all the time with wrestlers.

                These things are never happen out of the blue, his wife must have a shitload of dirt on Cena that why she's been sitting there waiting for her moment to strike and take his shit, his private life is about to become very public if its anything like Hogans divorce.

                That does not sound good.....

                I don't like Cena, but I hate bitches more who just open their legs and expect to take half or more in Linda's case! of a man's shit that he worked hard for, was she on the road every night busting her ass? No, just BS man.

                Cena's good public imagine is about to be ruined.
                eh well thats his fault depending what actually happened

                and i guess this is the chick leaving him

                Guardian of the Universe
                Last edited by TazzMission; 05-11-2012, 05:14 PM.
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • Yeah, honestly when a woman want's a lot a money from a man I just raise the eyebrow in question to their motives.


                  • This is Cena's personal life and has nothing to do with wrestling. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn.


                    • Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                      This is Cena's personal life and has nothing to do with wrestling. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
                      but he's my hero so we do have to give a damn

                      If Cena did cheat I'll eat all my Cena shirts


                      • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                        If Cena did cheat I'll eat all my Cena shirts
                        Would you like Tapatio with those shirts?

                        Just try to convince me that he didn't enjoy every second of that. Hell, I wasn't even there and I vicariously enjoyed it. I bet he banged Eve in real life.


                        • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                          Yeah, honestly when a woman want's a lot a money from a man I just raise the eyebrow in question to their motives.
                          well to be fair linda hogan always suspected hulk cheated on her and here comes a sex tape of him with a woman that isnt linda or the other woman he married

                          its funny how warrior mentioned that about a year ago and everyone thought he was insane and crazy but look at whats happening

                          imo its got to be the life on the road really

                          your on the road 365 days a year so what happens? you may get a few groupies here and there and have fun with them in the bedroom

                          i will laugh if there was a cena sex tape leaked because man thats how usually these things play out
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                            This is Cena's personal life and has nothing to do with wrestling. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
                            You might not give a damn, but his Sponsors sure will, this will be a PR knightmare for Cena, who has a pretty clean career upto now and a very good public image with things like make a wish foundation.

                            This is the number one guy in WWE, who is about to have by the looks of it a very high profile dirty divorce and have his shit thrown out there.

                            I guess it depends who is in the wrong, but if you want a man's money he must have done something, that you at least think you can pin on him and get something out of it.

                            We will have to wait and see what happens, maybe he did bang Eve who knows.

                            How much more phoney would Cena's promo's be if he cheated on his wife? Cant see the soccer moms that take their kids to see him being too happy about that, for their kids to cheer a cheater.

                            LOL @ a Cena sex tape, I'd only watch it if he was banging Eve, I don't think Cena's dumb enough to tape his shit, unless Eve or someone set him up like Hogans sex tape.
                            Frank Castle
                            Last edited by Frank Castle; 05-11-2012, 06:35 PM.

                            THE MEN CALLED STING


                            • Originally posted by Iggy View Post

                              If Cena did cheat I'll eat all my Cena shirts
                              This is pure Gold. Jus waitin to be struck.

                              Team Cyclops !!! ...Screw Wolverine.


                              • Originally posted by Frank Castle View Post
                                You might not give a damn, but his Sponsors sure will, this will be a PR knightmare for Cena, who has a pretty clean career upto now and a very good public image with things like make a wish foundation.
                                If Cena is the one that cheated, WWE will probably have everything swept under the rug in order to maintain his squeaky clean image. Hell, for all we know they'll use it to turn him heel. It wouldn't be the first time they used a real situation and incorporated it into a storyline. Remember the love triangle betwen Edge, Lita and Matt Hardy?

