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  • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
    I'm a WCW fan and I approve this post

    + YouTube Video
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    I fucking love that theme song, totally made you pumped for the show. It was also a nice contrast to the Raw theme of the time, which also got you pumped up, but more in an angry way.

    + YouTube Video
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    And actually I liked the ECW theme a lot too.

    + YouTube Video
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    All three are badass songs.
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


    • Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
      Concerning ECW, WCW and Attitude Era WWF:

      Each and everyone were better then, than what we have now.
      BOOM. Headshot.

      Originally posted by W.West View Post
      who the fuck would argue with that?
      * Double Tap *

      Team Cyclops !!! ...Screw Wolverine.


      • Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
        Concerning ECW, WCW and Attitude Era WWF:

        Each and everyone were better then, than what we have now.
        to an extent i agree mainly because nobody is being pushed and even when they are they end up jobbing sadly

        im just at a point i hope they indroduce a defend 24/7 rule for the wwe title because so far alot of main events have dissapointed me
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Tazz, I want to know point blank at the height of WCW's popularity did you ever watch it consistently from week to week? No explanation needed just YES or NO.


          • Originally Posted by Iggy
            I'm a WCW fan and I approve this post

            Just a bunch of nobodies that wrestled for WCW.

            Oh and those old intros, hell yes they get you pumped, today's stuff is generic radio rock crap, I remember watching a video on utube that showed you all the intro's for RAW up to present day, you can actually visually see WWE go down hill with every intro, its sad



            • Thats why I ask if Tazz ever watched WCW?! I mean really how dare you call Sting, Booker T, DDP, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Goldberg, etc nobodies SMH


              • WCW was awesome! If Nitro didn't consist of so many jobber matches to start out, it would have been head and shoulders better than anything Raw had going on. Plus, they got carried away with the nWo. At one point nearly 1/4 of the roster was in the faction and everyone else not named Goldberg got squashed.


                • To me the Nitro Era of WCW is like Death Row Records at one point in time it was the greatest thing ever and with the greatest stars of the time and leaders of their industries, and then it all blew up in their face.

                  In the end its probably better WCW Nitro didnt suffer a long painful death like RAW has been for the last 11 years now, wrestling could never maintain that level we had in the mid to late 90s.

                  As for the nWo yeah it was over done, but I tell you the first year n half of it is still my most favourite story and time in wrestling, much more than Austin/Vince feud. Sting was like Batman coming off the roof to beat the shit out of the nWo, it was fn awesome man, I'd mark out everytime, you just don't get moments like that in wrestling anymore.

                  + YouTube Video
                  ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                  Hogans reaction at the end just sells it, I cant help but think of the Joker and the line "I need to get one of those" from Burtons OG Batman.

                  Yet again Hogan showing how to sell a story without doing a back flip into a back flip like those ROH guys.

                  That clip is just fn awesome I got goosebumps just watching it again now.
                  Frank Castle
                  Last edited by Frank Castle; 05-10-2012, 07:24 PM.

                  THE MEN CALLED STING


                  • I really enjoyed these moment Frank

                    + YouTube Video
                    ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                    + YouTube Video
                    ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

                    Notice in the second one how Bischoff sells the Scorpion Death Drop? He actually tried to fight it and get away unlike what you see when laurinaitis was set up for the Attitude Adjustment or GTS.
                    NOT his black friend
                    Last edited by "Chosen"; 05-10-2012, 07:50 PM.


                    • I forgot about this one too

                      + YouTube Video
                      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                      • Your first vid wont work, wont allow embedding.

                        Can see the 2nd one though and now 3rd, good stuff man, Sting was hanging out with Taker underneth the ring there you know :P Sting was great back then, well Sting was always great, Surfer Sting is one of the guys that I really liked in WCW when I started watching it, him and Ron Simmons, The Barbarian, Vader, Ravishing Rick Rude and Arn Anderson were my favs.
                        Frank Castle
                        Last edited by Frank Castle; 05-10-2012, 07:48 PM.

                        THE MEN CALLED STING


                        • Originally posted by chosenone85 View Post
                          Notice in the second one how Bischoff sells the Scorpion Death Drop? He actually tried to fight it and get away unlike what you see when laurinaitis was set up for the Attitude Adjustment or GTS.
                          Yeah, usually when Cena puts someone in the Fireman's carry for the AA, their body automatically goes limp.

                          Those were some great WCW moments. Sad wrestling will never be like that again.


                          • Try the first one now. Its from Uncensored 97. I can remember order the replay on PPV just so I can see the end. Of course I was underage and got in trouble lmao.


                            • Ah it does work now, cheers.

                              I remember uncensored 97, I'm sure thats the first time Sting did the Batman thing, it was fn awesome of course.

                              Ha imagine kids today, they could just stream it or watch it on utube, shit was harder for us back then, if you missed it, you'd hope someone would have taped it or something, otherwise you were screwed.

                              Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                              Yeah, usually when Cena puts someone in the Fireman's carry for the AA, their body automatically goes limp.

                              Those were some great WCW moments. Sad wrestling will never be like that again.
                              Yes you're both right, Johnny Ace in the GTS was funny to me, its like he turned into stone lol.

                              Yes these moments are gone forever, but atleast we got to see wrestling at its peak, for that I'm thankful.

                              THE MEN CALLED STING


                              • Heyman Doing Angle with CM Punk?, More Big Heyman News
                                Date Added: May 10, 2012
                                Story By: Marc Middleton
                                Source: PWInsider

                                - We noted yesterday that Paul Heyman is with WWE through August's SummerSlam pay-per-view and will be representing Brock Lesnar. Heyman is being used as WWE has Lesnar signed for a limited number of dates.

                                One idea discussed was to have Lesnar "sue" WWE for breach of contract and money owed, playing off the actual legal battle the two sides had years ago. This angle would include all sorts of viral campaigns, something Heyman is experienced with, that would help get it over as a legitimate issue between WWE and Lesnar.

                                Heyman is not expected to go on the road full-time with WWE and at last word, he was only involved in the Lesnar storyline and not working WWE creative.

                                While one of the reasons Heyman has returned is to work with close friend Lesnar, word is that he also returned to potentially work with CM Punk down the line. Heyman has much respect for Punk and will work with him on the upcoming Punk DVD release.

                                Backstage reaction to Heyman at RAW on Monday was positive. He was warmly greeted by the younger talents as some of them knew him from their time in WWE developmental.
                                .................................................. ..........................

                                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

