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  • Originally posted by W.West View Post
    Heyman was the highlight of the night.

    Um, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to not only bring back Albert but give him Tajiri's mist?!!!!!
    your just now noticing?

    hes had that the last few weeks............

    also brock vs hhh at summerslam
    .................................................. ..........................

    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


    • Jus seen raw.

      Surprisingly, Heyman was the highlight of the night.

      Orton giving Sheamus an RKO was nice to, he's due for the Title spotlight again, I can't remember him being this popular as a face...

      Albert as a last match was really sad.

      Team Cyclops !!! ...Screw Wolverine.


      • Originally posted by Jay Burg View Post
        Jus seen raw.

        Surprisingly, Heyman was the highlight of the night.

        Orton giving Sheamus an RKO was nice to, he's due for the Title spotlight again, I can't remember him being this popular as a face...

        Albert as a last match was really sad.
        the whole show was shit except heyman

        he was basicly the only good thing

        apparently changing the script 3 times had done more harm then good today
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Fuck Heyman is back? I guess I'll have to start watching again. I haven't been for a while now.
          A teacher affects eternity; He can never tell where his influence stops.

          -Henry Adams


          • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
            the whole show was shit except heyman

            he was basicly the only good thing

            apparently changing the script 3 times had done more harm then good today
            changing the script happens on just about every raw, the most i've seen is a report of 11 rewrites.


              RAW was boooooooooooooring

              Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

              facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


              • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                Um, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to not only bring back Albert but give him Tajiri's mist?!!!!!
                There always seems to be some guy in WWE that spits (Killer Kahn) mist. They even had Mysterio do it a few times which was just bizarre. I suppose Vince is a facial kind of guy.


                • Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                  There always seems to be some guy in WWE that spits (Killer Kahn) mist. They even had Mysterio do it a few times which was just bizarre. I suppose Vince is a facial kind of guy.

                  mysterio did?
                  .................................................. ..........................

                  Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                  • yep he did

                    + YouTube Video
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                    • Originally posted by chosenone85 View Post
                      yep he did

                      + YouTube Video
                      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
                      huh odd
                      .................................................. ..........................

                      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                      • So the most overrated promoter in wrestling is back.


                        • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                          So the most overrated promoter in wrestling is back.
                          if it wasnt for that over rated promoter wcw wouldnt of lasted as long as it had

                          where do you think they got the extreme concepts from?

                          same with wwe

                          if it wasnt for ecw i highly doubt the monday night wars wouldve even happened
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • Do I defend Eric Bischoff? No I do not. Paul Heyman did the right thing most of the time. The only reason he is put on a pedestal is because of ecw marks. He drove and quit ecw when it was going under.

                            Plus ecw hurt the industry than helped IMO.


                            • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                              Do I defend Eric Bischoff? No I do not. Paul Heyman did the right thing most of the time. The only reason he is put on a pedestal is because of ecw marks. He drove and quit ecw when it was going under.

                              Plus ecw hurt the industry than helped IMO.
                              well plus till this day fans still chant ecw over wcw because ecw really did bond with the crowd in a way both wcw and wwe couldnt do

                              wcw and wwe always focused on hollywood body builder type themes wile ecw would go get a guy whos like 300 pounds with no muscle and give him a chance

                              the reason why the wrestling busines sis trash now is because vince bought his competitors i mean ffs do you really think tna can even come close to what wcw and wwe had?

                              heck my comic guy told me a niffty rumor that punk signed a 1 year deal with wwe and he may go to tna when it expires

                              if true i think thats career suicide for him because tna isnt the best place to go to at all

                              he mentioned that lisa varon aka tara/victoria told him 3 people are coming and one being a diva that she worked with before
                              Guardian of the Universe
                              Last edited by TazzMission; 05-09-2012, 04:29 AM.
                              .................................................. ..........................

                              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                              • Punk has already been in Tna, he knows what its like there, he wouldnt go back most likely.

