Watched Wrestlemania at a buddy's house tonight. Overall it was a good time. Bryan got screwed over, instead of making that match go 18 seconds...that's what the Diva's match should have done. There were three great matches tonight, Triple H vs. Undertaker...CM Punk vs. Jericho...and Rock/Cena.
Overall, the match of the night has to go to Triple H/Taker. The reason being is even though you knew it was going to end with Undertaker winning, they put on the best performance tonight. As evident by the huge bruise on Taker's shoulder from chair shot after chair shot. Triple H was the perfect opponent, cause he's the one guy who could take this loss and not lose momentum. His "suck it" at the end was perfect and made the defeat feel screw you Taker, and your fucking win streak...I'm not going to quit. The only thing the match was missing was going to the top of the cell.
The CM Punk/Jericho match was the best technical match of the evening, with the best moves of the night being performed in the match. The only thing that brought the match down a peg or two was the ridiculous build up with Jericho taunting Punk's family. But as that nonsense wore off, the climax and final 3-5 minutes of the match made up for the retarded nonsense.
The Cena/Rock fight was much better than it had any right to be, as it reminded me of the good ol' days of the Rock when he laid it on the line. If you've ever seen old school matches with him, Foley, and Austin, this had that kind of feel. Finisher after finisher, and hard shot after hard shot, both guys put on a great show. I thought this match was technically better than the older "new thing" vs. "old thing" match-ups.
The crowd was great too, because while it would have been easy to just make Cena the heel throughout the whole fight, the crowd ended up getting behind both stars...really giving the match a one for the ages feel.
Cena definitely held his own, even if the final move that did him in was a bit "heel-ish". I still think his character is a bit bland, but definitely no one carries him when he's in the ring. That high flying move he landed on The Rock was probably the second best of the evening, next to CM Punk getting suplexed onto the concrete.
Cena definitely held his own, even if the final move that did him in was a bit "heel-ish". I still think his character is a bit bland, but definitely no one carries him when he's in the ring. That high flying move he landed on The Rock was probably the second best of the evening, next to CM Punk getting suplexed onto the concrete.
but how awesome was it for Jericho to counter the hurricurana into the walls of Jericho?!?!?!
Fuck it, none of you guys will never get off that monkey of Cena can't wrestle when in fact he can wrestle a damn great match and hold his own. Fucking bullshit Cena haters.
when he first debuted during the whole ruthless agression angle by vince yea he did in fact have awesome wrestling at the time
hell even as vannilla ice he was pretty damn good
now hes more of a marketing tool instead of a ** wrestler**
i admit yea he has had some good matches in the last few years but currently charachter and wrestling wise its getting rather stale honestly
Ric Flair basically had the same match for 15 years (or more) in a row. Fight a bit, get back body dropped, beg in the corner, low blow, running knee to face drop, fight a bit, get thrown to the turnbuckle/flip over side/clothesline, bide time on the outside, cheap shot, climb turn buckle/get thrown off, fight a bit, figure 4/reversed, lose (sometimes win with outside help). Oh and occasionally those delayed face plants after being hit with a big move.
No one says he was a shitty wrestler, but he wasn't that great from a technical standpoint. How many moves did he actually ever use in the ring? 4, 5?
Just saying.
Winner: Reality TV draft 2014
"Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman
Ric Flair basically had the same match for 15 years (or more) in a row. Fight a bit, get back body dropped, beg in the corner, low blow, running knee to face drop, fight a bit, get thrown to the turnbuckle/flip over side/clothesline, bide time on the outside, cheap shot, climb turn buckle/get thrown off, fight a bit, figure 4/reversed, lose (sometimes win with outside help). Oh and occasionally those delayed face plants after being hit with a big move.
No one says he was a shitty wrestler, but he wasn't that great from a technical standpoint. How many moves did he actually ever use in the ring? 4, 5?
Just saying.
believe it or not im not a big ric flair fan
that may come as a shock but its true
i dont think hes ** shitty** i just havent really followed him as much as alot of people have
Fuck it, none of you guys will never get off that monkey of Cena can't wrestle when in fact he can wrestle a damn great match and hold his own. Fucking bullshit Cena haters.
please reread my statement iggy
i didnt flat out bash cena i stated on how before he was a good wrestler but now hes just a marketing tool
i mean ffs the man is on the cover of fruity pebbles now and it was confirmed via interview on fox news
and hey you know what more power to him for it but the superman image has got to be toned down and tonight is just the start
2) Of course he's a marketing machine, he is the face for the WWE.
3) Stone Cold was also the face of the WWE and his "matches" during the height of his popularity aka 1998, were basically punch, kick, brawl, punch, kick
Cena is a great wrestler. No one other than a few will admit that because its still cool to hate Cena. Every superstar does what Cena does. They have a list of moves that they do that make it a "so and so" match. Saying you dont like Cena because he does the same moves night in and night out means you dont like just about every wrestler in the business. If you dont like the moves or things he does in the ring, thats one thing and thats your opinion. But saying flat out Cena cant wrestle is ridiculous and delusional.
He's put on great matches in his career. He's held his own with Taker, Angle, Benoit, Jericho, Big Show, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Punk, Christian, Edge, and now the Rock. All of those men were/are great wrestlers, and Cena has looked just as good as them in the ring. You cannot say that Cena is a horrible wrestler when you actually look at his matches and are not blinded by the current trend of hating on a guy for busting his ass.