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What in the world is so great about texting?

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  • What in the world is so great about texting?

    If you want to talk to someone who isn't present, you can call him on the phone or send him an e-message.

    So then why do you need to TEXT him? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE DRIVING?

  • #2
    I don't know, but I hate it. I am so glad I don't have a cell phone.
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


    • #3
      Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
      I don't know, but I hate it. I am so glad I don't have a cell phone.
      I dunno how you can live with no cellphone. I will admit, I can´t live withouth my cellphone. I freak out if the battery dies or I lose it.

      I also text like a maniac, but that´s because my phone service allows for free text messages.


      • #4
        text messages are for free or are the cheapest way to communicate.
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        • #5
          Yeah, you've got the phone right there. If you've got something important to say, just call them. If you don't have anything important to say, why waste time texting it?

          I don't have a cell phone either, because I figure if I'm not at home OR at work, why would I want people to be able to get in touch with me? Emergencies? I gotta say there are very few emergencies in life that I'm going to be able to actually HELP with (except maybe WORK emergencies, and that's a reason not to have a cell phone right there ). If, God forbid, something happens to somebody in my family while I can't be reached at home or work, I'm not likely to be able to DO anything about it, and I'm going to get the info pretty soon, when I return to one of those locations.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Orion Pax View Post
            I dunno how you can live with no cellphone. I will admit, I can´t live withouth my cellphone. I freak out if the battery dies or I lose it.
            That's one reason I don't want one, because people get so attached to them they can't function without one. Plus I don't like the idea of people being able to get a hold of me wherever I am. Plus they are expensive. Plus not enough people call me to warrant having one anyway.

            One day I may have to break down and get one, but only when I have no other choice.
            Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

            "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


            • #7
              OK, if texting is cheaper, I can see doing it sometimes (though it sure seems like most plans I hear of include more than a enough voice minutes for anybody that isn't obsessed with simply narrating their life to all their friends).


              • #8
                i love to text, its really the only way to get ahold of some people
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
                  One day I may have to break down and get one, but only when I have no other choice.
                  Yeah, I can see that day coming, simply because the regular phone companies will go out of business. But even then I will be tempted to simply leave the cell phone on the same shelf that held the regular phone, and NOT take it with me.


                  • #10
                    Same question, why do people use msn text service instead of the audio/video service?



                    • #11
                      for me texting is usefull for quick notices when you can't really call someone like if they are at work or school i think it simply comes down to a generational thing


                      • #12
                        And it's so great that 20 percent of Americans have done it while they're driving?


                        I bet more than half of young people have done it.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
                          And it's so great that 20 percent of Americans have done it while they're driving?


                          I bet more than half of young people have done it.

                          Yeah, its amazing the things people will do while driving. Eat breakfast, put on makeup, heck I've heard of people that installed a TV where the driver could see it, even though I'm pretty sure that's illegal. I'll bet somebody on here has read a comic while driving.


                          • #14
                            I know a few people that only text, they will message over and over again for hours.

                            But I really think the phone companies did a great job on that one. They have convinced America that texting is ten times cooler than actually calling someone. So now there are legions of people, out there texting dozens of times an hour because they are convinced that it is soo much cooler to do that.

                            At the expense of an extra $9.99 per month for the privilege or $.75 per text if they don't have the plan.

                            The whole thing was just to add a little extra to the bill per month, and they have totally succeeded.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
                              And it's so great that 20 percent of Americans have done it while they're driving?


                              I bet more than half of young people have done it.

                              never said it was so great that people should do it while driving, i pointed out that for me its usefull to get quick notices to people when i cant call them directly, i hate people who text(or use their phone period while driving) so no not really, as for the young part i concede having seen alot of people doing it(again i usualy drop my phone in the backseat before going anywhere to avoid being tempted to do it) and they are usualy young people, hell i went to school and had caught rides with people who texted while driving does'nt mean i agreed i usualy would tell em to put the damn thing away and focus on the road

