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Emerald Annihilation

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  • Emerald Annihilation

    Once upon a time a comic book company published a storyline. In that story the main protagionist went insane when a semi-major villain destroyed his hometown. He then turned against his teammates, brutally attacking them in some cases; killing others. Finally he upsurped all the power at his boss’ command and became for a time one of the biggest villains of that universe. Basically decades of continuity was thrown out the window.

    He was replaced with a rookie who had never really been seen up until then… a kid with all the power of the orginal, his power item acted quite differently. Now I liked this kid, he reminded me (in more ways than one) of my favorite comic book character, and I read everything I could with him in it.

    Unfortunately, a lot of long-time readers were incensed. In some cases forming groups of like minded people and now boycotting what was previously their favorite comic, in other cases calling for the new character’s complete removal from continuity. And while this heated debate did boost sales of the comic for a short while, the argument still flares up to this day.

    The storyline was Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight.

    Now we have Marvel repeating the same mistakes that DC did back in 1993. One of their “fan-favorite” characters was killed during a recent storyline and a character that was largely an unknown stepped in to replace him. While it is obviously not the exact same situation, there are correlations that are plain to see.

    My favorite comic book character is Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), and up until he was killed off during Annihilation and then later replaced, I didn’t understand the hatred of Kyle Rayner by fans of Hal Jordan, it just seemed totally illrational to me for someone to hate a character based upon what a writer had done.

    Now, I don’t hate Wendell’s replacement, Phyla-Vell, but I do understand the illrational anger exibited by the fans of Hal Jordan a little better now. They saw everything they enjoyed about their favorite character completely turned on its ear and then were forced to watch in horror as a “New and Improved!” sticker was put on it with a shiny ribbon, when to them it looked very much like a train wreck. Sound familiar?

    It’s ridiculous to take out that aggression on the new character, it’s not Kyle’s fault that Hal went bad and died, and now it’s a moot point since Geoff Johns retconned it all, it only took ten years for Hal fans to get their guy back. Ideally, fans of Wendell won’t have to wait as long.

    I just find it hypocritical that Marvel retconned “Quasar’s legacy” into something meaningful only after his death, if he had been treated as though he meant something to Marvel other than as the butt of jokes for Wizard Magazine or issues of Captain Marvel (a book put out by the same company!), I’d almost be able to overlook the death of my favorite character if he’d been showed a shred of respect.

  • #2
    I agree with you there. I thought that Quasar's death was a noble end for him, but I felt it was strangely unwarranted especially since the Quantum Bands were supposed to be this major artifact in the Marvel universe, similar to the bands Captain Marvel has.

    The problem that I think they had was that they wanted to kill off a character early on in Annhilation and Quasar got shorted on the draw. If it's any condolences, I almost died of anger and shock when Super Skrull died. I still don't understand how he came back to life.

    Look at it this way though; Annhilation is pretty good, and I love Conquest so far. While it hurts now, at least in the long run he didn't die for nothing. He saved all those colonists and gave the Annhilation fleet what for. :P


    Coincidentally, Emerald Annhilation would make for a GREAT Amalgam storyline. :P I might get to work on that right away in fact! Anyone care to join me?


    • #3
      The first thing that popped into my mind when I say this thread:

      Replacing the Megadeth lyrics "United Abominations" with "Emerald Annihilation".

      That is all.
      Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

      "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


      • #4
        I've heard some people reference Emerald Twilight AS Emerald Annihilation over the years, but those were the darker days of GL fan on GL fan crime.

        On the Marvel side of things, I liked Annihilation a bunch (and Conquest is finally getting more interesting), but yeah, I didn't see any need to ditch Wendell at all. It is comics, and an eventual return should be in the cards, but I feel your pain.



        • #5
          Super Skrull came back because of the powers being released around him or something like that. Yeah seeing Quasar get taken out just like that was a nice way to make Anni seems like a total bad@$$ but in the end felt kinda hollow. Also, Captain Marvel should have not been brought back. Yeah I know he is stuck in a time line loop hole quantum slider time-cop something or other.

          Originally posted by BatmanofSector2814
          I have yet to see Avatar, mainly because it is the plot of Pocahontas wrapped in a "Halo vs World of Warcraft" flavored, CGI heavy shell...and I've already seen Pocahontas and played all 5


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gl Josh View Post
            Super Skrull came back because of the powers being released around him or something like that. Yeah seeing Quasar get taken out just like that was a nice way to make Anni seems like a total bad@$$ but in the end felt kinda hollow. Also, Captain Marvel should have not been brought back. Yeah I know he is stuck in a time line loop hole quantum slider time-cop something or other.
            I agree with everything you said.


            • #7
              All I can say is I don't like Marvel.


              • #8
                I would've LOVED to see a GLC vs. the Annihilation wave comic (don't get me wrong i liked Annihilation but i loved the Corps war)

                IonFan says

                MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                • #9
                  Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                  I would've LOVED to see a GLC vs. the Annihilation wave comic (don't get me wrong i liked Annihilation but i loved the Corps war)
                  It's coming, I assure you. :P In Amalgam form. I'm working on it as we speak!

                  The only problemj I have is whose perspective do I use? I'm thinking about having two different police corps, so that this way I can use both the Novas and the Green Lantern variants. Almost everything else blends together smoothly, especially when you consider the already existing universe to play with!

                  My notes so far:

                  The Dark Nova Squadron: Created by the mysterious Controllers of Xandar, these inter galactic policemen use force to bring in criminals. Wielding power suits infused with the Control Mind, they're based on Xandar, the world right next to the Crunch. (Combination of Darkstars and Novas)

                  The Iron Lantern Corp: Recently recreated after being destroyed by Annihilax, Hal Starks and Kyle O'Brien have worked to recreate everything the Corp was meant to be! Much more loosely affiliated than the Green Lantern Corp, Oa the Living Planet infuses protectors with abilities that reflect their personalities and sends them to their sectors.

                  The Green Machine: Stewart Rhodes is busy working on Earth as the Civil Crisis threatens to tear America apart. As you know, he took over for Stark when he was shot by a bullet during the events of Pi Hour! (John Stewart combined with Jim Rhodes. The Civil Crisis event is supposed to be my explanation of the Civil War and Infinite Crisis that's going on at Earth righ tnow.)

                  Hal Starks: this guy you all know. I'm thinking about not having him in the story at all because half of him is busy running the Hero Registration Program on Earth! But since it's an Iron Lantern story I need to have him in there so He'll definetly be one of the main characters....and not just because I'm a hopeless geek about him. :X

                  Annihilax: An entity of complete destruction, Annihilax escaped from the central power battery on Oa the Living Planet when it was destroyed by STark during the events of Emerald Demons in a Bottle. Now he has empowered the Manderinestro to create a Corps of his own, the Yellow Machine Corps! These Lanterns go off fear and cunning, and some of them (Like Kronar the Iron Monger) wield massive machines powered by fear itself! Can the Iron Lantern Corp stand up to them?

                  Manderinestro: Long time foe of the Emerald Avenger, Manderinestro has recently been freed of his prison by Annihilax. Now, combining his ancient teachings learned from Fing Fang Flame and Ultraborg's technical prowress, they are about to attack the Corps and bring fear and obliteration to the universe!

                  What do you think?


                  • #10
                    I like it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Myth View Post
                      It's coming, I assure you. :P In Amalgam form. I'm working on it as we speak!

                      The only problemj I have is whose perspective do I use? I'm thinking about having two different police corps, so that this way I can use both the Novas and the Green Lantern variants. Almost everything else blends together smoothly, especially when you consider the already existing universe to play with!

                      My notes so far:

                      The Dark Nova Squadron: Created by the mysterious Controllers of Xandar, these inter galactic policemen use force to bring in criminals. Wielding power suits infused with the Control Mind, they're based on Xandar, the world right next to the Crunch. (Combination of Darkstars and Novas)

                      The Iron Lantern Corp: Recently recreated after being destroyed by Annihilax, Hal Starks and Kyle O'Brien have worked to recreate everything the Corp was meant to be! Much more loosely affiliated than the Green Lantern Corp, Oa the Living Planet infuses protectors with abilities that reflect their personalities and sends them to their sectors.

                      The Green Machine: Stewart Rhodes is busy working on Earth as the Civil Crisis threatens to tear America apart. As you know, he took over for Stark when he was shot by a bullet during the events of Pi Hour! (John Stewart combined with Jim Rhodes. The Civil Crisis event is supposed to be my explanation of the Civil War and Infinite Crisis that's going on at Earth righ tnow.)

                      Hal Starks: this guy you all know. I'm thinking about not having him in the story at all because half of him is busy running the Hero Registration Program on Earth! But since it's an Iron Lantern story I need to have him in there so He'll definetly be one of the main characters....and not just because I'm a hopeless geek about him. :X

                      Annihilax: An entity of complete destruction, Annihilax escaped from the central power battery on Oa the Living Planet when it was destroyed by STark during the events of Emerald Demons in a Bottle. Now he has empowered the Manderinestro to create a Corps of his own, the Yellow Machine Corps! These Lanterns go off fear and cunning, and some of them (Like Kronar the Iron Monger) wield massive machines powered by fear itself! Can the Iron Lantern Corp stand up to them?

                      Manderinestro: Long time foe of the Emerald Avenger, Manderinestro has recently been freed of his prison by Annihilax. Now, combining his ancient teachings learned from Fing Fang Flame and Ultraborg's technical prowress, they are about to attack the Corps and bring fear and obliteration to the universe!

                      What do you think?

                      What, no Wendell (Quasar) Vaughn?

