I got $30 cash, $25 in gift cards, a calender, and both the DC and Marvel HC Encyclopedias... bring the total monetary value of my Christmas to a whopping $145... impressive since its usually only $60-$80. Needless to say, I was pleasently surprised.
A slight addendum to my earlier post, I just got $25 and a couple of Barnes and Noble giftcards as well as a Wally World gift card so there yet may be comics related items to be had.
I Got Wanted Hal Jordan in Hard Cover and The Brave and the Bold: Lords of Luck in the Hard Cover. And that was it, I got the BaB from my Mom and the GL book from my Brother. All I need now is Secret Origin and I have all the Hard Covers of the GL Series and then Hard Cover Rebirth wich I have in soft.
Mmm thought comics fans would have gotten more comic related stuff, I got GL gift set, Defense of OA set, Secret Origins HC, DC Universe Sinestro (3 3/4" one), DC Encyclopedia (updated one), The Dark Knight DVD, and a few other things.
I got Michael Turner's Fathom Volume One Definitive Edition TPB. With some of the cash I received I'm purchasing the Wizard Millennium Edition Michael Turner book, which was impossible to find, but they re-released it!