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New Dan Didio Interview

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  • #31
    Oh God...

    Before the interview, I would have been a bit interested in who this new Nightwing is. But after the interview and after Rucka's comments, it really makes me nervous about Battle for the Cowl. If Didio takes Dick from the Bat-family and throws him into the Superman family simply because Batman is gone and a bunch of Kryptonians show up then I'm gone. 48hrs after reading this interview, I've warmed up to the Trinity being "missing" from the books as long as good stories are told (RIP,Rise of Olympian,New Krypton) but if you're just going to destroy everything they stand for and everything they've done and the people they love/created, while they are gone then you seriously don't know what the fuck you are doing.


    • #32
      Well if that's the route their going, Kryptonian characters using those names, then I suppose we should at least give it a shot. I don't see DC keeping two characters using the same name so their moving Dick on to something else perhaps Batman. But either way I say we give it a arc or two before we toss Action Comics into the dumpster.



      • #33
        No one ever said anything about Dick or Tim being thrown into Action Comics. For one, that Nightwing has Tactile Telekinesis (CONNER KENT) and Flamebird is a girl. So where did that idea even come from?


        • #34
          Andrew's speculation on the future of the bat family.


          • #35
            Ahh, got ya. You were just getting a little worked up, so I was trying to calm ya down Anyways, I'm still thinking Nightwing as Batman, but that's easy. If Jason Todd shows up in the Batman outfight.... UGH!


            • #36
              Watch Todd, Grayson, and Drake all have their own variation of the Bat suit for a little bit.
              Do good. Be well. Make happy.


              • #37
                Remember, we're getting to about the point Chuck Dixon would've been plotting Robin prior to his firing. Whatever is going on, he was -- apparently -- very loudly against.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by W.West View Post
                  don't get it...
                  Tim or Drake? That should say "Dick or Tim"...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                    Remember, we're getting to about the point Chuck Dixon would've been plotting Robin prior to his firing. Whatever is going on, he was -- apparently -- very loudly against.
                    Well, I think Chuck wasn't against this idea as a whole, just the politics of DC. I think if Chuck was upset at the direction DC was going with Robin then he would have spilled the beans that they are destroying pivotal characters in the universe. I think Dixon left because he couldn't write the character the way he wanted to and was probably tired of management.

                    Originally posted by Michael Heide View Post
                    Tim or Drake? That should say "Dick or Tim"...
                    OH, I messed up. Thanks. lol


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by W.West View Post
                      I think if Chuck was upset at the direction DC was going with Robin then he would have spilled the beans that they are destroying pivotal characters in the universe.
                      You must have a horribly low professional opinion of Chuck to think he'd publically say that.


                      • #41
                        Your right, spilling the beans on the future of Robin/Batfamily would be unprofessional but that still doesn't quite justify leaving the company does it? Couldn't he just ask to be taken off the book and be frustrated with what's going on? Was the future of the company so horrible that Dixon had to leave the company altogether? I think it was more so management than storylines that pissed Dixon off.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by W.West View Post
                          Your right, spilling the beans on the future of Robin/Batfamily would be unprofessional but that still doesn't quite justify leaving the company does it? Couldn't he just ask to be taken off the book and be frustrated with what's going on? Was the future of the company so horrible that Dixon had to leave the company altogether? I think it was more so management than storylines that pissed Dixon off.
                          Probably. But insomuch as they pertained to the books he was on, Robin being a cornerstone of that.


                          • #43
                            I'm against Dick becoming Batman, but if TPTB are making this happen, I'll accept it if it makes sense and they explain it properly and don't just do it to do it.. So I'll go with this as the new Bat family line up:

                            Dick : Batman
                            Tim : Red Robin
                            Damien : Robin
                            Jason : Red Hood(or dead, but if he has to be alive, I like him in this persona as the Anti Hero)
                            JPV : Is he alive again? I didn't know he came back. If so, keep him as Azrael.
                            Conner Kent : Nightwing
                            Linda Danvers : Flamebird

                            Just for fun -
                            Kate Kane : Batwoman
                            Bette Kane : Batgirl
                            Cassandra Cain : Catwoman? Hmm I like that idea...
                            Selina Kyle : Retired... with the occasional heist here and there.

                            That's how I would do it.
                            Master Customizer
                            Last edited by Jack-O-Lantern; 11-29-2008, 12:56 AM.


                            • #44
                              Since Robin was the only bat book to tie-in to RIP, I would say there is a little to no hope that Robin becomes the new Red Robin. Seeing as how the "return" of the Red Robin had been some elaborate plan by Anarky's return...which was really anti-climatic because I didn't know who the fuck he was.

