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Did I do the right thing?

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  • Did I do the right thing?

    Here's a moral dilemma I had today. I was leaving the downtown libarary when a disheveled man approached me and asked for some bus money to get home. He gave me some sob story that he just got out of the hospital for an infected foot. I honestly felt bad for him, so I gave him some money. As he thanked me and walked away, two things dawned on me: 1) He didn't have any bandages on him, walk with a limp, or things of that nature. 2) The closest hospital wasn't even close to walking distance from where we were. So, there is at least a fifty percent chace that guy didn't use that money for a ride home. When I told my father, he may as well have called me a sap and/or an idiot. Most likely later my brother will mock me as well. So I ask all of you: Should I have done what I felt was the decent thing to do, or play the cynic and tell him I had no money to spare?

  • #2
    That crap happens almost every day in Savannah. It sucks, and you become jaded very quickly. I'm sure some of these guys actually do really need some money badly, but there are guys all over that town constantly asking for some money "just to get home" or to get on the bus or whatever...


    • #3
      Don't beat yourself up over it. Figure it this way, you helped a guy out.

      Whether he uses that money for bus fare or a cheap bottle of hooch is not your concern.

      Some people just get down on their luck.

      Don't feel like a sucker, I probably would have done the same thing.


      • #4
        you did the right thing don't feel bad about it, BUT don't let yourself be taking to school. if their lying about why they need the money tell them to go looking somewhere else if not then for the love of GOD help them, i know it's hard to tell who's lying but in your heart you'll know

        IonFan says

        MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


        • #5
          I work in NYC we get it all the time, now while I dont give to everyone, now and then I'll give a buck or two


          • #6
            It was only a couple bucks, don't worry about it. You did the "right" thing, even if the money went to the "wrong" cause. Mad about being lied to? Just imagine the guilt the guy feels when he ends his high for the night, and thinks "man, how many people did I lie to to get that? and what was that? Hardly worth it". The cycle will repeat, of course, but I'm sure there is some level of guilt in the guy.

            If you see him again tho, ask him about his foot, see if he remembers
            Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

            "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


            • #7
              What's worse? Helping a guy that doesn't need help? Or not helping a guy that needs help?

              In dubio pro reo. You did the right thing.


              • #8
                You did the right thing, wether this guy was honest or not thats on him, Karma comes back to everyone, and you did right, plus for you, him well he'll Karma will deal with him!

                Good job on doing what is right.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lishego View Post
                  You did the right thing, wether this guy was honest or not thats on him, Karma comes back to everyone, and you did right, plus for you, him well he'll Karma will deal with him!

                  Good job on doing what is right.
                  If hes homeless...I think Karma has already kicked his ass a couple times
                  Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                  "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                  • #10
                    I don't see anything wrong with having compassion for someone else. If they took advantage of your kindness it's bad for them not you.


                    • #11
                      Unless of course he was a scam artist, who swindled him out of his life savings etc. But that's a different story (and those people are absolute scum, I'd rather feed a crack head crack then their greed).
                      Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                      "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                      • #12
                        But if the guy turns around and spends the money to further destroy his life it's completely differant.

                        Look at the bum in RIP. Batman gives the man $100 and the man spends it all on drugs and overdoses.


                        • #13
                          And thats most likely what happened.

                          You gotta take in mind the bums mindset tho...$100 bucks won't get him off the street, but it will buy him enough drugs to escape his living hell for a while. Personally, I'd be more inclined to take the drugs too, at least you can escape reality for a time.
                          Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                          "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                          • #14
                            I agree. I go to school in Detroit and every time I'm about to get on the freeway there is the same guy standing there. I've given him money before, but like one of the guys said, you become jaded. You helped him and usually I try to be positive and hope that it does help them


                            • #15
                              Try giving them some food instead. If they laugh at you, they are a druggie that will require way more help than you can ever give them (unless you devote your life to helping them). If they aren't a druggie, and take the food, you may just be able to help them.

                              Edit: I should note, one of my best friends and my roommate for the last 4 years is an ex drug addict my friend and I helped get clean.
                              Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                              "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman

