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Price of Gas in Libya

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
    Heres a solution - nuke the shit out of the entire middle east, turn the place into a sheet of glass, and tap into all the oil we want.
    Or you could just take a gun to your local gas station, shoot everyone, and take as much gas as you want. Because that is what you're suggesting, only on an international scale.


    • #17
      I am gonna piss alot of people in the world off with this,but screw it the call me Rotten for a reason. " FVCK EM "! I hope it gets 30 dollars a gallon so people will stop driving. Because 90% of the people on the road don't know how to drive. If gas is 30 bucks a gallion only the super smart people with high paying jobs will be driving,so your chances of being plowed into by some tard with no insurance will greatly decrease. Plus car insurance will have to go down because few people will still be driving. Also it will bring the supposed weight "epidemic" down because everyone will be walking to work.

      Finally some smart but poor person with bad feet will be tired of walking to places and invent the first rocket pack. Then I will finally get the Buck Rogers type future that TV promised me.
      Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
        If gas is 30 bucks a gallion only the super smart people with high paying jobs will be driving.
        RIIIIIIIGHT! Cuz' we all know that everybody with a high paying job is super smart.... *cough*movie stars*cough*pro athletes*cough*


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
          RIIIIIIIGHT! Cuz' we all know that everybody with a high paying job is super smart.... *cough*movie stars*cough*pro athletes*cough*
          See. You got to think 3 steps a head. Only people who are vital to the world will be still driving. Athletes and actors will be outta a job. Who is going to go to the movies if gas is 30 buck a gallon? Whi is going to go to the game or mall to buy a 100 dollar jersey if gas is 30 bucks a gallon? I know it is really twisted and sick,natrual selection always takes its corse. Sadly you won't hear much from me anymore because I know I am a bottom rung kinda guy. Oh well yeah win some ya lose some.
          Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
            See. You got to think 3 steps a head. Only people who are vital to the world will be still driving. Athletes and actors will be outta a job. Who is going to go to the movies if gas is 30 buck a gallon? Whi is going to go to the game or mall to buy a 100 dollar jersey if gas is 30 bucks a gallon? I know it is really twisted and sick,natrual selection always takes its corse. Sadly you won't hear much from me anymore because I know I am a bottom rung kinda guy. Oh well yeah win some ya lose some.

            Think farther ahead...if people can't afford to go anywhere, they are going watch more TV than ever, which means those in the entertainment industry and professional sports will make as much as ever (the TV rights for sporting events will simply get more expensive as arena revenue declines- the only people out of jobs will be the arena staff...)


            • #21
              Not quite. See but with out fuel people will be forced to get jobs that are closer to home,wich will most likley payless thus thewillingness to pay brighthouse 9 billion dollars a month for a sports package will go down wich will force the professional sports industry to take a major hit. Without the money from all the mercandising and ticketsales, do you realy think anyteams will be able to pay athletes the salary the are acustomed to?
              Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
                Not quite. See but with out fuel people will be forced to get jobs that are closer to home,wich will most likley payless thus thewillingness to pay brighthouse 9 billion dollars a month for a sports package will go down wich will force the professional sports industry to take a major hit. Without the money from all the mercandising and ticketsales, do you realy think anyteams will be able to pay athletes the salary the are acustomed to?
                I don't know the income breakdown in pro sports, so you may be right about pro athletes taking a pay cut. But you can't tell me that people that are stuck close to home in our TV obsessed culture won't watch more TV than ever.

                On the other hand, where does TV make its revenue? Advertising. If nobody can afford to buy anything, suddenly advertising time becomes a bit less valuable. So you may have a point there, too.

                Ultimately, though, if you are talking about $30 a gallon gas, our entire economy would collapse, and most people would be at starvation levels. That kind of hike in gas prices wouldn't just mean people could afford to drive- they couldn't afford to eat or buy anything at all due to the effect fuel prices would have on everything else. People would have to grow their own food and live without a lot of stuff (energy for heating or cooling their homes for one), and with our population and infrastructure that just wouldn't work, not if the change were sudden.


                • #23
                  True. I actualy say this in exagerated comedy porportions. My real bottom line is people Suck at driving,and I want a rocket pack. Seriously it is 2008 where the hell is all the cool "jetson like" future stuff?
                  Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
                    True. I actualy say this in exagerated comedy porportions. My real bottom line is people Suck at driving,and I want a rocket pack. Seriously it is 2008 where the hell is all the cool "jetson like" future stuff?
                    Careful what you wish for. If you think people suck at driving, at least they (mostly) stay on or near the roads. Give people jetpacks, and you will see TRUE suckage, and they'll be crashing in through your ROOF.

                    I assume what you really want is for YOU to have a jetpack, and all the sucky drivers to STAY stuck in traffic. And that is a wish I can get behind (heck, I'd even let everybody on this site have one, since as far as I know, none of them live near me, so even if they sucked at flying, I'd be at a safe distance...)


                    • #25
                      I am going to go along with what Jim said, there is no reason why Alaska should not be allowed to drill what they want.

                      If I may, and this is where the "vast right wing conspirator" comes out in me (Ion Fan back me the heck up on this one!) but most of the problem is that the environmental tree hugging socialists have put the U.S. in an arm lock and now we are not allowed to develop and drill where we want to.

                      And we are not talking in someone's backyard, we are talking in Alaska's Nature and Wilderness Reserve which looks like the damned moon!

                      I am serious, while I believe in being a good steward of what God gave us, but frigging up our economy because of perceived natural/environmental threats pisses me off.

                      Now with that said, the second thing we need to do is tell the stupid Congress to suspend some of the taxes on gasonline! When we do that, things will be cheaper.

                      You know right now I am reading a great book called "Dead Heat" and it is about how four nuclear missiles hit Washington, DC, Seattle, New York, and Los Angeles and what it does the United States and how the Vice President becomes President and seeks to rebuild the US government.

                      Throughout the book phrases like "Since Congress has been destroyed" and "Everyone in Congress was taken out in the Nuclear blasts" I have thought, "You know a US without Congress may not be a bad thing."

                      And to quote "Non-sequitur" from this past Sunday's comic strip, "The idea of a monarchy is looking more and more appealing!"


                      • #26
                        the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that we deserve to pay this much for gasoline. If we as Americans continue to re-elect legislators and government officials that keep preventing us to drill for oil in Alaska, then we're pretty much giving them permission to continue doing what they're doing.

                        We didn't aquire alaska for it's sheer beauty (that nobody gets to see anyway), we bought it for it's strategic value. Part of that value is now the untapped fuel that we refuse to drill for. If we are unwilling to drill in our own country to become more energy independant, than we MUST be doing well enough as a country to continue paying the rising fuel costs from what we buy overseas, right?

                        Every time I'm sitting behind an SUV covered with liberal slogan bumper stickers in traffic I'm reminded that we get what we pay for. At what point will we decide we ARE paying too much, and demand that our legislators lay some pipelines in Alaska and provide Americans with cheaper fuel than the countries that despise us that we buy from? Six bucks a gallon? Eight? Ten? Twelve?

                        When the economy starts to REALLY slow down because families aren't vacationing or going out to spend their money (trust me, we haven't seen anything yet) and do the things that keep the economy moving, will Americans have the balls to actually EXPECT our government to work for US for a change?

                        Until then, I refuse to believe people when they say gas prices are too high. I'll believe them when they do something about it.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
                          the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that we deserve to pay this much for gasoline. If we as Americans continue to re-elect legislators and government officials that keep preventing us to drill for oil in Alaska, then we're pretty much giving them permission to continue doing what they're doing.

                          We didn't aquire alaska for it's sheer beauty (that nobody gets to see anyway), we bought it for it's strategic value. Part of that value is now the untapped fuel that we refuse to drill for. If we are unwilling to drill in our own country to become more energy independant, than we MUST be doing well enough as a country to continue paying the rising fuel costs from what we buy overseas, right?

                          Every time I'm sitting behind an SUV covered with liberal slogan bumper stickers in traffic I'm reminded that we get what we pay for. At what point will we decide we ARE paying too much, and demand that our legislators lay some pipelines in Alaska and provide Americans with cheaper fuel than the countries that despise us that we buy from? Six bucks a gallon? Eight? Ten? Twelve?

                          When the economy starts to REALLY slow down because families aren't vacationing or going out to spend their money (trust me, we haven't seen anything yet) and do the things that keep the economy moving, will Americans have the balls to actually EXPECT our government to work for US for a change?

                          Until then, I refuse to believe people when they say gas prices are too high. I'll believe them when they do something about it.
                          There is a deep deep logic in what you say! I can understand it!


                          • #28
                            so true

                            IonFan says

                            MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                            • #29
                              I agree but the common man is so far removed from polotics that he has no idea how to make the gears turn. As far as electing people the only people who can realy run for office are the people who have money,and guess where alot of that money comes from.
                              Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                              • #30
                                Believe me, if I COULD get a job near where I lived, I would! I think EVERYONE would go with that scenario. Unfortunately, it is VERY hard to find a decent job anymore, little lone near your house. The odds are like 10,000 to 1 you can do that. (yeah I made that up). Sure I found a part-time job working at the local Dominos, but guess what? You gotta DRIVE for that job! Also, my current job is at the Airport, so 30 miles walking would probably take me a good 7.5 hours ONE WAY. (not to mention I'd be all hot and sweaty and have heat stroke by then). We are at the mercy of the Oil companies and they know it.
                                Visit the Mall of Oa for all your Green Lantern needs!

