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Wildstorm: World's End.

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  • Wildstorm: World's End.

    Any fans of ol' Earth-50, out there?

    It looks like the answer to the failed hard reboot ("worldstorm") of the Wildstorm Universe is to a soft reboot of the WSU using a drastic shift in theme to the post-apocalyptic and slightly different takes of characters, some who we have not seen in a while and some that merely resemble characters that we know.

    (Where have I seen this before ...?)

  • #2
    Here i am, the only other fan it would appear!

    If the WSU stays like this, i think we're in for some great stories.
    The Authority basically failed the human race, imagine how messed up they're going to be now.

    With DnA writing Authority and Christos doing Wildcats, i really think we're in for an awesome ride!
    :On worlds afar or scenes at home, wherever the cause should make me roam, always i vow to fight the good fight, to combat evil with all green lanterns might!:


    • #3
      I kind of like it but hate getting books that don't last. whats a good one to start with?

