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Slink the ferret is very very sick

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  • Slink the ferret is very very sick

    One of my ferrets (Slink) the smaller female in my pic, had an adrenal gland surgery today. She is SOOOOOO tired. and it turns out that she didn't even have a problem with her adrenal gland. Perfectly normal 5 year old Ferret and we put her through this surgery based on a hack vet misreading a Ultrasound

    (A dif vet did the surgery)

    I feel like shit
    Last edited by GLJIMT; 07-28-2007, 12:53 AM.
    My Ketogenic Journey

  • #2
    That's rough man. Hope the little gal comes out of it alright.


    • #3
      Thanks Nived, after the diagnosis we contacted the locale Ferret Shelter and asked them who they used as we wanted the best Vet for this surgery, This vet then told us that he stopped doing ultrasounds on ferrets 5 years ago because they are non conclusive.

      Andreal Disease is almost entirely diagnoised based on how the ferret presents, the biggest thing being pattern hair loss starting at the base of the tail. and Then progressing up the back, which Slink has. and she is in the right age demographic.

      We had an appointment with our standrad vet, but my wifes Grandfather died and we had to cancel, so PetSmart has a "Wellness Visit" for free. We took her in and they suggested the ultrasosund, They sent us 35 miles south to apparently the only place that does Ferret Ultrasounds, which a ferret being an exotic pet we believe. Later this vet told us that it was adrenal. We talked to our vet who suggested the same guy the Shelter did and they informed us that a place right ACROSS THE STREET FROM PETSMART does Ultrasounds!!

      Bottom line is PetSmarts Vets do not care about the easiest and best care for your pet they only care about keeping your money in their network. The shitting thing is it is the closest pet store to me and one of the few that even carries Ferret Supplies, I may just inconvience myself and boycot them anyway ......

      I really want to stand infront of their store with a giant sign

      "PetSmart doesn't care about your pet, ONLY YOUR MONEY"

      Thanks for listen guys.

      The worst part is I came down sick yesterday and since some bugs can pass form human to ferret I can't even hold my buddy.....
      My Ketogenic Journey


      • #4
        Wow that is absolutely terrible service man. I would file a complaint with corporate. I don't use PetSmart or Petco's services and I can't speak to their quality but hell, that kind of negligence shouldn't go unreported even if the company as a whole is crappy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nived View Post
          Wow that is absolutely terrible service man. I would file a complaint with corporate. I don't use PetSmart or Petco's services and I can't speak to their quality but hell, that kind of negligence shouldn't go unreported even if the company as a whole is crappy.
          I believe we will be doing that as well as a BBB report. 5 years is already the start of old age for ferrets and then we put her through this, They generally live to be 7 on average but reports of 13 yr old ferrets are floating around. So If she dies before 7(the average) since she is entirely healthy I really think I am going to spend alot of time blaming myself

          and the other part is Sam our 2 yr old Male, Is terribly upset. Since he can't play with Slink for 3 days we have to keep them in seperate cages until then and they have aways slept together since we got Sam. I feel almost as bad for him as I do for Slink....

          Thanks again, Nived
          Last edited by GLJIMT; 07-28-2007, 03:20 AM.
          My Ketogenic Journey


          • #6
            Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. That's so incompetent. Poor Slink... Hope she recovers quickly.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Emerald Knight View Post
              Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. That's so incompetent. Poor Slink... Hope she recovers quickly.
              Thank you EK, I do too. She's sleeping away from the other Ferret (Sam) tonight in my bedroom (the ferrets have their own room here) but even though Sam seems really upset I can't take the chance of him unintentionaly riping a stich or something.

              I never thought I would want Monday to come so quickly thats when we can let them play together again.....

              Slink is on the left Sam on the right

              Last edited by GLJIMT; 07-28-2007, 03:22 AM.
              My Ketogenic Journey


              • #8
                Aw, very cute.


                • #9
                  well, it is 2am here and Slink has woken up 3 times scratching at her cage. We decided that since the ferrets dont really play in their cage That Slink will go sleep with Sam for the remainder of the night.

                  Moved Slink down to Sam and poor Sam looks like he hasn't slept at all hes in the same place that he was when I put him to bed 4 hours ago.

                  Now they are cuddled up in their bed together and Sam is looking as protective as ever
                  My Ketogenic Journey


                  • #10
                    That's cute, I hope everything turns out well.
                    Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Parrylakks, I think it will

                      We just finished disinfecting the Ferrets room and moved them both into it. Slink has some bruising by her stomach, but appears to be doing well. She is having a little trouble walking and climbing over things due to her stomach muscles being cut but is still trying, which is good as she needs to use those muscles to build them back up.

                      and Sam is not playing rough at all Its obvious he knows there is something worng with Slink. Animals are amazing at what they know

                      I still feel awful about it though
                      My Ketogenic Journey


                      • #12
                        Ok, We are nearing Monday

                        Slink is really coming along well ....

                        Me on the other hand... Remember I said I was sick and couldnt touch her. Well I just got back from 4 hours in the ER. My wife decided it was time to go since 3 seperate sources told us to go as it could have been an anerisim. We called the Urgent Care - Go to the ER, Checked WebMD - Go to the ER, Called my mother-in-law (she's a LPN) - Go to the ER

                        I had a headache since Wed and severe mucsle aches and weakness, My symptoms apparently presented as anything from Memengitis to a Brain Anerisim.

                        They ran a ton of blood work and did a CAT Scan, Nothing came back abnormal, Except I have a blocked Sinus right inbetween my eyes. So this could be a really bad sinus infection or some other kind of bug.

                        So there it is, I guess there was a real chance of them holding me overnight for observation. I had a IV in and everything, When the gave me the Pain killer thourgh the IV I told my wife "It feels like the Anti-Monitor is squeezing my neck!" She didnt know what the hell I was talking about.

                        I'm just Glad to be home.

                        Slink is still doing fine after being left home for 4 hours today, I think she is well on the road to recovery , hopefully so am I
                        My Ketogenic Journey


                        • #13
                          I wont go into my own tales of woe, but as a fellow victim of bizzare and unexplicable medical emergencies, and the bad luck of having everything happen at once, you have my deepest sympathies.

                          Take care of yourself man.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nived View Post
                            I wont go into my own tales of woe, but as a fellow victim of bizzare and unexplicable medical emergencies, and the bad luck of having everything happen at once, you have my deepest sympathies.

                            Take care of yourself man.
                            Thanks Nived, The first thing I'm going to try to do will I'm sure be the hardest: Quit Smoking.

                            The last item in the equation is my insurance, In order for them to cover the bill they must rule it was a life-threatening situation

                            and they only get the bottom line diagonisis , I can appeal it am have them get the registration info and all that which I'm sure I will end up doing. So theres that to look forward to also.
                            My Ketogenic Journey


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GLJIMT View Post
                              Thanks Nived, The first thing I'm going to try to do will I'm sure be the hardest: Quit Smoking.

                              The last item in the equation is my insurance, In order for them to cover the bill they must rule it was a life-threatening situation

                              and they only get the bottom line diagonisis , I can appeal it am have them get the registration info and all that which I'm sure I will end up doing. So theres that to look forward to also.
                              Trust me man I feel for you, my insurance situation is similar that's why last month when I got into a bicycle accident that slashed open my face and jammed my wrist (though at the time I was real worried I broke it) I had to patch myself up. Also took the skinned my knee pretty bad but I didn't bother to take a picture of that.

                              It's been about three weeks but I have full range of motion back in my wrist, still a little tender, there's only a small scar on my face, but over all I'm healed.

