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Hookers & Pictionary

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  • Originally posted by DOOM View Post
    Originally posted by IonFan
    (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
    If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
    Originally posted by Quaker
    I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


    • when i tm'ed her to let her know what day i'm free this coming week (it'll be Thursday btw) i told her to come with enough time to be WOWed (if you forgot what i'm talking about here's some help) she replied with "yum" ()

      i'll be posting pics when i can of the stuff i'm getting for her later this week (or as i get them)

      IonFan says

      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


      • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
        when i tm'ed her ...
        I started reading this and for a second mentally inserted an "a" thinking you were saying you "tamed her."


        • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          I started reading this and for a second mentally inserted an "a" thinking you were saying you "tamed her."

          LOL....silly Space Cop!


          • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
            I started reading this and for a second mentally inserted an "a" thinking you were saying you "tamed her."

            if only (i'd have her do that one thing she won't do )

            IonFan says

            MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


            • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
              if only (i'd have her do that one thing she won't do )
              wouldnt that make 2 things since she dosent give you head?
              .................................................. ..........................

              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


              • my friends at work think i should cook for her too on top of everything else i'm doing tomorrow

                ( ya know i'm doing alot of work for what we all know is a sure thing)

                anyway here's the pics i said i'd post

                One cute furry little stuffed animal with Valentine's day card, Check

                Roses, Check

                Strawberry's with melted chocolate on the side for dipping, Check

                Candles for the bed room (i've got more but only felt like taking a pic of 2), Check

                Non-alcoholic wine, Check

                don't think i need to post the Rose petals on the bed for ya'll (but if ya want me too i will)

                so that's everything (i think)

                if ya'll got anything else you think i should get let me know now cause i've only got less then 24 hours to get it

                so any thoughts?

                IonFan says

                MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                  my friends at work think i should cook for her too on top of everything else i'm doing tomorrow

                  ( ya know i'm doing alot of work for what we all know is a sure thing)

                  anyway here's the pics i said i'd post

                  One cute furry little stuffed animal with Valentine's day card, Check

                  Roses, Check

                  Strawberry's with melted chocolate on the side for dipping, Check

                  Candles for the bed room (i've got more but only felt like taking a pic of 2), Check

                  Non-alcoholic wine, Check

                  don't think i need to post the Rose petals on the bed for ya'll (but if ya want me too i will)

                  so that's everything (i think)

                  if ya'll got anything else you think i should get let me know now cause i've only got less then 24 hours to get it

                  so any thoughts?
                  tempted right now to really bust your balls on what you can do with the flowers on the women
                  .................................................. ..........................

                  Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                  • IF.... come on man please tell me you have some kind of weird disability or something. with as much effort as your putting into this girl you could have a honest to god actual relationship with a normal girl who could actually love you for all this. shit i put in half the for you do and my gf loves me.


                    • maybe i am crazy (for love )

                      IonFan says

                      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                      • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                        maybe i am crazy (for love )

                        How much does love cost again?


                        • Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                          How much does love cost again?
                          Damn i was gonna write that.
                          Oh well time for some real talk.
                          This is all pretty nice,which makes it even more sader that it all goes to waste on somebody who loves your money and not you.
                          Proud owner of a Justice League Europe number 1 issue.
                          Which currently is worth less than my Kick-Ass 2 issue 1.


                          • Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                            How much does love cost again?
                            $160 every two weeks, apparently. Just think- he could be driving a BMW or a Benz for that.


                            • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
                              $160 every two weeks, apparently. Just think- he could be driving a BMW or a Benz for that.

                              Forget that, he could finally purchase that triple-wide trailer he's been eyeing! His prostitute would really be impressed with him then!


                              • Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                                Forget that, he could finally purchase that triple-wide trailer he's been eyeing! His prostitute would really be impressed with him then!
                                maybe they will move in with his mother?

                                sorry this rap came to my mind

                                + YouTube Video
                                ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
                                .................................................. ..........................

                                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

