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Video Game Movies ...

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  • #16
    Out of the top 10 highest grossing adaptations, I've only seen about half: all the RE movies, MK and Prince of Persia. Never liked Pokemon and never cared for a live action Tomb Raider... and they need to stop making RE movies. The more they make, the worse they get.

    Box Office: Top 10 Video Game Adaptations


    • #17
      The fact that those are the top 10 is kind of a sad commentary on the value of videogames as movie fodder, IMHO. Of course, I'm a horrible judge, since I've only played a few of the games they were based on.

      Still, for videogame movies to ever really be a "big thing" it seems like they would NEED to attract some folks like me, who didn't play the games in question. As it is, I hardly bothered to watch even the ones based on games I DID play.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
        The fact that those are the top 10 is kind of a sad commentary on the value of videogames as movie fodder, IMHO. Of course, I'm a horrible judge, since I've only played a few of the games they were based on.

        Still, for videogame movies to ever really be a "big thing" it seems like they would NEED to attract some folks like me, who didn't play the games in question. As it is, I hardly bothered to watch even the ones based on games I DID play.
        And this comes back to the idea that it's about the quality of the movies themselves, not the idea of whether or not video games should or shouldn't be adapted into movies.

        The devs/publishers need to stop whoring their licenses out to any swinging dick with a camera who'll give them money. Unfortunately, most companies are just desperate for money and will take a paycheck any way they can. Quality of their licensed movies be damned.

        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


        • #19
          Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
          And this comes back to the idea that it's about the quality of the movies themselves, not the idea of whether or not video games should or shouldn't be adapted into movies.
          Yeah, I guess that's true.

          Part of the problem, I think (and I think this is a problem that they have created for themselves by making so many sucky videogame movies) is that, at this point, most people, on hearing that a movie is based on a videogame, just automatically dismiss it as crap. A videogame movie is going to have to be pretty outstanding to overcome that stigma at this point.

          Either that or somehow manage to avoid telegraphing that it IS based on a videogame. Kind of hard to pull that off, though.

          Comic book movies have managed to overcome that issue in both ways. There have been enough thoroughly enjoyable comic book movies that most people (even ones that wouldn't dream of READING a comic) wouldn't dismiss a movie just because it is based on a comic book. AND there have been a number of movies based on comics that much of the moviegoing public probably didn't even realize WERE based on comics.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
            Comic book movies have managed to overcome that issue in both ways. There have been enough thoroughly enjoyable comic book movies that most people (even ones that wouldn't dream of READING a comic) wouldn't dismiss a movie just because it is based on a comic book. AND there have been a number of movies based on comics that much of the moviegoing public probably didn't even realize WERE based on comics.
            And I think a lot of it is because Marvel finally became smart, and less desperate, creating a sound plan with how they wanted their properties represented in the movie landscape. DC/WB is still learning, though they've improved as well.

            The gaming industry is a bit different though, as none of the properties are housed under a corporate umbrella like Marvel/DC. There are larger companies to be sure - EA/Activision, but they'll still whore themselves for money if need be.

            Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


            • #21
              Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
              While most video game movie adaptations are a waste of time, it doesn't mean there can't be high quality ones in the future. Look at the progression of comic book movies; there's no reason this can't happen for video game properties. The owners simply have to be protective about who they license it out to.
              I was about to come in and say something like this.

              Really gaming has loads of cool IP's that could be turned into movies, Theirs no reason why Splinter Cell can't be as big as Bourne. It just depends on how they treat making it.

              The only problem comparing them with comics is that Superman etc are far bigger franchises than most games, but still that shouldn't be a massive problem.

              Splinter Cell and Ass Creed might be the movies that break this odd curse on video game movies, if they ever get made. It's that or more RE nonsense.

              THE MEN CALLED STING


              • #22
                Originally posted by Frank Castle View Post
                Splinter Cell and Ass Creed might be the movies that break this odd curse on video game movies, if they ever get made.
                As long as they can avoid having people actually calling it Ass Creed. People might get the wrong idea about what type of movie it was...


                • #23
                  It would sound like a movie I wanna see (methinks a porn should be made with that title if it doesn't exist already)
                  I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                  • #24
                    This thread exists now?! AWESOME!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                      It would sound like a movie I wanna see
                      And just imagine how disappointed you would be when it turned out to be something else.


                      • #26
                        MY HERO!!

                        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


                        • #27
                          LOL So true!
                          I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                              Still, for videogame movies to ever really be a "big thing" it seems like they would NEED to attract some folks like me, who didn't play the games in question. As it is, I hardly bothered to watch even the ones based on games I DID play.
                              I've watched movies of games I didn't play (like Silent Hill). It's like you guys said, it could be done, just like comic movies attracted non-readers.

                              Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                              And this comes back to the idea that it's about the quality of the movies themselves, not the idea of whether or not video games should or shouldn't be adapted into movies.

                              The devs/publishers need to stop whoring their licenses out to any swinging dick with a camera who'll give them money. ..


