I guess that could work if you just wanted a generic sweet "flavor". Most of your sense of taste comes from your sense of smell, though. So I don't think electrical stimulation of the tongue alone could possibly make you taste a specific flavor, like cherry, or peppermint.
I'd say it will be bad if it is handled badly. The fact of the matter is that there are still a lot of people in this country for whom the old-style phone service is their only realistic option. Any attempt to switch will be dependent on putting the infrastructure in place so that the new system will cover the same areas at roughly the same price.
As it stands, plenty of people live in areas where broadband or wireless are simply not an option for phone service. And others live in areas where it IS technically an option, but is much more expensive/less reliable. You can't make a mandatory switch until such time as those problems are addressed.
You can't hold up progress just because some might not want or be comfortable with the change, but if a substantial number CAN'T make the change, or can't AFFORD to make the change, and the thing you are talking about is something that has become as integral to our society as the ability to easily communicate via telephone, then you would be unwise to force it before those issues are addressed.
Boy is THAT a misleading title. Unless I'm just misunderstanding the article. Which is possible. Quantum Physics and String Theory are a little too brain-twisty for me. It SEEMED like they were saying that the universe can be mathematically modeled in some way as a much simpler universe without gravity, and that doing so allows for you to solve certain problems that you couldn't decipher in the more complex universe. I don't THINK it was intending to say that, in actuality, the universe IS really just that simpler version, and the more complex version we perceive is just a "holographic" projection.