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FBI classifies "Juggalos" as a gang

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  • FBI classifies "Juggalos" as a gang

    Well, it's official. According to the FBI's National Gang Threat Assessment for 2011, Juggalos -- those loud-mouthed, clown-faced, Insane Clown Posse-loving idiots -- are a real live gang. They're listed as a "Non-Traditional" gang on the Contents page, but they're a gang nonetheless. And if you read this thing, the FBI is clearly genuinely concerned about the crimes this moronic team of face-painters are committing around the country. And here we were thinking they were just simpletons with a love of terrible, terrible music and playing dress-up!

    According to the report, Arizona, California, Utah, and Pennsylvania already recognize Juggalos as a gang. The report also states that "Transient, criminal Juggalo groups pose a threat to communities due to the potential for violence, drug use/sales, and their general destructive and violent nature." In addition: "Open source reporting suggests that a small number of Juggalos are forming organized subsets and engaging in gang-like criminal activity, such as felony assaults, thefts, robberies, and drug sales."

    Well, if this video is anything to go by -- aside from talk of a stabbing early on -- these Juggalos all seem like harmless imbeciles to us. Harmless imbeciles on tons of drugs, but pretty harmless nonetheless. How scary can you possibly be when you're yelling "woop-woop" every three seconds?


    So are Juggalos a gang? Or are they just stupid? We probably think it's more of the latter. Insane Clown Posse isn't the first band to have a really committed, obsessive fan base, and it won't be the last. These fans just happen to love a band with a lot of hateful, offensive and downright dumb lyrics that encourage fans to think that behaving in a manner as animalistic as possible is the coolest thing on Earth. It's no wonder ICP attracts violent knuckle-draggers.

    Originally posted by W.West

  • #2

    meh. the fbi also had MLKjr labeled as "a subversive, dangerous criminal" (or something to that effect), so Im not too moved by this........


    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


    • #3
      That's what they need, encouragement. Ungh.

      *Meanwhile at Juggalo HQ*

      Awwwwwwwwww, yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Woop Woop!


      • #4
        Remember that douche bag Juggalo that used to post here?

        I'm glad that guy's gone.


        • #5
          ^Oh, so I wasn't the only person to remember Mason upon seeing this.
          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


          • #6
            He's who I thought of when I was posting it.

            Originally posted by W.West
            DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
              ^Oh, so I wasn't the only person to remember Mason upon seeing this.
              I hope the FBI brings that douche bag down hard.


              • #8
                Originally, I was going to remark about how Mason was a total prick and how he was probably indignant as hell over this news.

                But since I'm not the only one who despises him here, then consider the comment made.
                Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                  Originally, I was going to remark about how Mason was a total prick and how he was probably indignant as hell over this news.

                  But since I'm not the only one who despises him here, then consider the comment made.


                  • #10
                    i was gona post this a few days ago but i thought tazer beat me to it.

                    ps. juggalos arent no gang if anything there a bunch of emo pussies
                    .................................................. ..........................

                    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                      Originally, I was going to remark about how Mason was a total prick and how he was probably indignant as hell over this news.

                      But since I'm not the only one who despises him here, then consider the comment made.
                      It's a good thing I banned him. We don't want any gang members here lol

                      Originally posted by W.West
                      DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        brb kicking guy in head when he's already on the ground because my friend is laying on him.


                        • #13
                          My wife and I are big ICP fans and we've been planning on getting hatchetmen tats but now I can't because with it I will be considered a gang member and can't risk that. It is completely ridiculous that I can't get the tat I want without it being linked to a gang. I just like the music.
                          A teacher affects eternity; He can never tell where his influence stops.

                          -Henry Adams


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
                            It's a good thing I banned him. We don't want any gang members here lol
                            mason was alright but the juggalo shit isnt even gangster.

                            as much as i cant stand insane clown possie i think its pretty pathetic the fbi would label there follwers a quote unquote gang.

                            i would know because back in the day i use to be a "" juggalo"" and trust me there no gang.
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • #15
                              the issue with the article states potential threat meaning possible.

                              you may have small little groups that go out and do shit but the ones i hung out with back in hs were nothing compaired to what is being suggested.

                              if the fbi wants to crackdown on gangs start with ms13 and latin kings then worry about some kids dressed up as clowns.

                              the issue nowadays is if you and lets say 10 to 20 friends just kick it police will assume you are a gang even if they dont do shit to raise any form of attention.
                              .................................................. ..........................

                              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

