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Your secret fandom.

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  • #31
    I'm a fan of a bunch of other stuff other then view askew and simpsons in fact I'm a fan of futrama and The Critic
    I'm also big on The Mupppets (especially Beaker!!)
    Firefly/Serenity was so great
    Calvin & Hobbes is the greatest comic strip aside from Far Side

    I will have more... Be warned


    • #32
      Originally posted by GreenLanternGeek View Post
      I'm also big on The Mupppets (especially Beaker!!)

      *Pepe accent* Pepe the King Prawn, FTW, okay?


      • #33
        He was a weird addition but I liked him better then the Rastafarian guy they made up I think he was called Clifford


        • #34
          Highlander, Star Trek, 80's catoons I grew up on those, but my secret fandom would have to be Farscape. I hated to see it get cancelled. Great Science fiction.
          "I reject your reality, and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage from Mythbusters
          Visit my customs site at


          • #35
            Originally posted by lokeinlyesmith View Post
            Yep. Serenity goes down as my all time favorite movie ever.

            OH. EM. GEE. I guess it was two years ago.. I met Saffron!!! Talk about hotness! Whew...

            She'd make a great Arisia.
            I'd say Natu, with make up and a dye job.


            • #36
              .... I also like M*A*S*H


              • #37
                DragonBall Z. I love that cartoon. As much as I try to hate it, I can't.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by The_Mad_Dragon View Post
                  I'd say Natu, with make up and a dye job.
                  Christina was too much of a wisp of a girl to play Natu. Natu needs to be a stronger-built woman, I think.

                  I'll see if I can find someone. Maybe the woman who played Inara?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                    DragonBall Z. I love that cartoon. As much as I try to hate it, I can't.
                    I can help you with that. Why is it that half the time all we're watching is guys "powering up" (seems like they are about to cum most of the time, or really constipated) and then we get treated with battles that are so fast, you can hardly tell whats going on? (with the fist/kick fights anyway.)

                    I like the show, but those two things bugged me.
                    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                    • #40
                      What bugged me about DBZ was how it took like 8 episodes to show a battle that supposedly took place in a 5 minute time period (i.e. the Freeza/Goku battle). But yeah... I really liked the original Dragon Ball, but DBZ is kinda "bleh," imo... but its still way better than DBGT. Regardless, I am kinda looking forward to the live action DBZ film that is set to begin filming soon... not sure how good or bad it will be, but one thing is for sure... it will be thousands times better than the old Japanese live action DB film.
                      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by GreenLanternGeek View Post
                        which version?
                        The Mirage comics. The rest is shit.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Lundonj View Post
                          I like Highlander a bunch too. There is room in my Trek heart for immortal Scottish swordsmen lopping the heads off friends and foes alike...

                          Here's me with Adrian last October.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                            What bugged me about DBZ was how it took like 8 episodes to show a battle that supposedly took place in a 5 minute time period (i.e. the Freeza/Goku battle).

                            Yeah that kinda goes into what I'm talking about. Plus the sheer amount of dialog was at times overwhelming. Entire shows spent talking about shit, then a tiny fraction of a battle at the end. Then the next show re-explains how they got their, then the battle goes on a bit more.
                            Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                            "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by The_Mad_Dragon View Post
                              Your secret fandom.
                              Peanuts and Winnie the Pooh.


                              • #45
                                All things Serenity, thank goodness there's Joss mini's!

                                "Silvia Saint" that one's made me laugh, at least your honest bro!

