I haven't been online in quite some time so, I do not know if this has been a topic of discussion already. I recently saw the BN Larfleeze figure at the comic shop.

I'm not too fond of it. Does anyone else share similar feelings? I love Larfleeze and the Orange Lantern Corps, but for one reason or the next, it just does not satiate my hunger for a Larfleeze model. (Sad face)
I do think the hands were done well along with his toothy grin. Though with all the detail on the body parts that are bare, I believe they could have tweaked the tusks into having more texture. They just look like pointy pillars jutting from his mouth.
His body mold seems very off to me (mostly the arms and the lower body). I know his legs are sort of spindly to begin with but they look weird to me. D:
I'm not too fond of it. Does anyone else share similar feelings? I love Larfleeze and the Orange Lantern Corps, but for one reason or the next, it just does not satiate my hunger for a Larfleeze model. (Sad face)
I do think the hands were done well along with his toothy grin. Though with all the detail on the body parts that are bare, I believe they could have tweaked the tusks into having more texture. They just look like pointy pillars jutting from his mouth.
His body mold seems very off to me (mostly the arms and the lower body). I know his legs are sort of spindly to begin with but they look weird to me. D:
