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Your ring's voice

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  • Your ring's voice

    We all see the rings talking to the lanterns, but have you ever thought about what the ring's voices sound like?

    I got to thinking about what the various rings' voices were like, to me they sound like this:

    Black = Emperor Palpatine or the death knight Highlord Darion Mograine
    Violet = Lady Ophanimon
    Blue = Mr. Smith from the Sara Jane Adventures
    Indigo = Neytiri (the lead female na'vi in the movie Avatar)
    Green = The Borg collective voice
    Red = Dr. Claw from inspector gadget cartoon, Black Wargreymon, or Mr. Hyde from the league of extraordinary gentlemen
    Fear = Darksied from the DCAU cartoons
    Greed = Cobra Commander from the 80's GI Joe cartoon
    White = that female nox from the episode of stargate sg1 with that trial, I forget her name

    So what do the rings sound like to you?

  • #2
    Green: The voice of Samus' power suit, Metroid Prime.


    • #3
      Love the choices for the Reds and the Oranges. If it were me....

      The GL's rings would sound like a female robotic voice. Can't remember where I heard one last, but I always saw it as sounding female.



      • #4
        Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
        Love the choices for the Reds and the Oranges. If it were me....

        The GL's rings would sound like a female robotic voice. Can't remember where I heard one last, but I always saw it as sounding female.

        Transmutate off of beast wars had a female robotic like voice

        and thank you


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
          The GL's rings would sound like a female robotic voice. Can't remember where I heard one last
          Metroid Prime?


          • #6
            I'm thinking it was a computer's voice in Halo I or II.



            • #7
              id try to program mine with the voice of christopher walken. imagine flying through space, and randomly hearing the words, "green lantern of sector 2814, you need a little more cowbell".


              • #8
                Originally posted by HALJOR2814 View Post
                id try to program mine with the voice of christopher walken. imagine flying through space, and randomly hearing the words, "green lantern of sector 2814, you need a little more cowbell".
                + YouTube Video
                ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                • #9
                  yellow = Malcolm McDowell
                  green = Keith David
                  red = Kevin Grevioux

                  " He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."-Leonardo da Vinci


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Alan Scott of SU Gamma View Post
                    Black = Emperor Palpatine or the death knight Highlord Darion Mograine
                    Violet = Lady Ophanimon
                    Blue = Mr. Smith from the Sara Jane Adventures
                    Indigo = Neytiri (the lead female na'vi in the movie Avatar)
                    Green = The Borg collective voice
                    Red = Dr. Claw from inspector gadget cartoon, Black Wargreymon, or Mr. Hyde from the league of extraordinary gentlemen
                    Fear = Darksied from the DCAU cartoons
                    Greed = Cobra Commander from the 80's GI Joe cartoon
                    White = that female nox from the episode of stargate sg1 with that trial, I forget her name

                    Black... is spot on. Palpatine all the way.

                    Violet... for some reason, I can't help but hear M from the Daniel Craig Bond movies.

                    Indigo... Peter O'Toole

                    Blue... Miranda from Mass Effect 2

                    Green... Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen

                    Yellow... I imagine Sinestro would try and play his close to the GLC, so I'm guessing the same as the Green.

                    Orange... A chorus of voices- all the victims of Agent Orange.

                    Red... Blade (Snipes) from Blade or Mr. Hyde from Van Helsing

                    White... Keith David's voice of the gods for this one.
                    Agent Orange
                    Last edited by Fearless; 04-03-2010, 01:07 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                      Red... Blade from Blade
                      Ooooh. That Blade.


                      • #12
                        It could be the shitty TV version or Snipes. I'd go with Snipes. Now that I think about it, the voice of Nathan Explosion from Metalocolypse/Deathklok for red.

                        For Blue, the first woman to play the Oracle in Matrix.

                        Ωmega Man
                        Guardian of the Universe
                        Last edited by Ωmega Man; 04-03-2010, 12:32 AM.


                        • #13
                          Edited to say it was Snipes, which was who I meant, K_L.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Michael Heide View Post
                            Ooooh. That Blade.

                            Yes, Heide... THAT Blade. I went there.


                            • #15
                              Black... I'm thinking more zombie like... a wet rasping noise that makes your skin crawl when you hear it...

                              Violet... Jane Fonda from her Barbarella days...

                              Indigo... Sir Ian Mckellan (Gandalf... cool and soft but hard and passionate when needed)

                              Blue... Misha Collins (Castiel from Supernatural)

                              Green... Computerised voice... no emotion whatsoever... think like Stephen Hawkins computer

                              Yellow... Hugo Weaving from his Matrix days... condensation and snide

                              Orange... the seagulls from Finding Nemo... can't help it, every time i see the Orange stuff, all i can hear is them going "Mine, mine, mine, mine..."

                              Red... Tim Curry from when he played The Devil in Legend...

                              White... Morgan Freeman... definitely...


