Draft a team of cartoon characters. (not limited to ones that only came on on Saturdays)
This will be a snaking draft. You must pick 7 characters while following the criteria below. You may only pick characters from cartoons that were on television. You can pick from any kind of animation (2D, 3D, stop motion and claymation). You may sign up with your GLCMB screen name or use a pseudonym. Please pm your pseudonym to me if you wish to go that route.
Once a character is picked by someone he/she/it cannot be pick by another person. First 8 people to sign up are in (may allow more participants if there is high demand to join). Picks will start on Monday. If you have all your picks already you may send them to me as well.
Must include at least one character from the 80's and 90's
Must include one Anime character
Must include one animal character
Must include one Automaton
1. Mister Ed
2. projectile
3. sylent_asassin
4. W.West
5. Caleb Lancaster
6. Kuhan
7. Mister.Weirdo
8. Iggy
9. fearless2814.1
10. Maverick_GL
11. General Lee
12.Lantern A-train
13. Stretch Armstrong
14.Tazzmission Reborn
15 AceofOpus
16 William W.