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15 Minutes with Caleb Lancaster

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  • #16
    Favorite accent?

    Best Scotch?

    What one movie does no one seem to know about but everyone should?

    If you had a time machine, what would be your first planned destination?


    • #17
      Would you rather have a chainsaw hand or a hook hand?

      What's the highest number you ever counted to?

      What's the highest number you ever counted to while high?

      How do you feel about racist jokes?

      What's your favorite racist joke?

      Why did the chicken cross the road?

      " He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."-Leonardo da Vinci


      • #18
        Favorite accent?
        So so sexy.

        Best Scotch?
        I prefer Blended over just grain and malt.
        If I have my pick, it's usually Chivaz Regal.

        What one movie does no one seem to know about but everyone should?
        Bunraku is one that comes to mind right now, but practically every film on my shelf.

        If you had a time machine, what would be your first planned destination?
        I wanna be on the bus the moment Albert realized his theory of special relativity, just to see his face.

        Would you rather have a chainsaw hand or a hook hand?

        What's the highest number you ever counted to?
        I once counted the digits of pi it took to the center of a tootsie pop.

        What's the highest number you ever counted to while high?
        To do the above, you have to be high.

        How do you feel about racist jokes?
        I find them funny enough.
        I've also been called fag enough by fine folk of many heritages to no longer care about it too.

        What's your favorite racist joke?
        My favourite's also the worst one I've ever heard. Last time I put it up, it was removed by W.West. Now, a smart person wouldn't say it again. A me person would just put it in black. Irony

        Why did the chicken cross the road?
        To find the witty retort to this kind of question.
        Caleb Lancaster
        The Time Traveler
        Last edited by Caleb Lancaster; 11-08-2011, 08:49 PM. Reason: Mod Joke


        • #19
          Pot or booze?

          Top 5 tv shows?

          Top 3 albums?

          Groening, MacFarlane or Judge?
          (South Park suuuuuucks!)

          CD's or digital download?

          Print or reading tablet?
          "This is the strangest life I've ever known" The Doors
          "What is this but my reflection, who am I to judge or strike you down?" TOOL
          "I will move away from here, you won't be afraid of fear" Nirvana
          "Don't disturb the beast" A Perfect Circle
          *Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.*


          • #20
            Pot or booze?
            Neither at this point.

            Top 5 tv shows?
            Veronica Mars
            Eli Stone

            Top 3 albums?
            That Handsome Devil-That Handsome Devil
            Alabama 3-La Peste
            Alexi Murdoch-Time Without Consequence

            Groening, MacFarlane or Judge?
            (South Park suuuuuucks!)
            I agree actually. Never liked South Park.
            I prefer Groening and company most, but MacFarlane is very talented, and as a personality and a singular force, I say he's the best.

            CD's or digital download?
            I prefer Vinyl.

            Print or reading tablet?
            Print, definitely.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Caleb Lancaster View Post
              CD's or digital download?
              I prefer Vinyl.
              Best answer.

