Welcome back to another addition of C3! Where I can... oh, you know. OK, on to our latest topic.

Just got my reserved copy of Soul Calibur IV today, the Xbox 360 version, and, so far, it's not half-bad. The art and graphics are PHENOMONAL. I swear, it's awesome. The characters are all beautifully done, as are the locations. The artwork has just set a standard, people! Take notice!

Now, as much as I am pleased with the artistic representation, the story mode leaves something to be desired. I mean, no matter who you are, there are only 5 levels of story mode. It kind of gets boring, and I just got it TODAY, for God's sake... but, if you're an avid Soul Calibur fan, you CAN look past that.

Also, I dug getting to use Yoda to knock Nightmare and Siegfried on their asses. They succesfully brought Yoda, and all of his lightsaber-wielding, force-using, green-ness to life. Of course, only playing the Xbox 360 has it's drawbacks, like no Darth Vader. But, I QUICKLY got past that when they brought in Darth Vader's secret apprentice from The Force Unleashed. If the character here is any indication, then The Force Unleashed will be a BIG hit.

Well, that's all for now. Until next time. Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!

~Always chillin'

CHEAT TO UNLOCK THE SECRET APPRENTICE: Clear arcade mode with either Yoda or Darth Vader, depending on your system.