Aquaman #1 is out now!

I loved it from start to finish. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis pulled no punches with this first issue to set the tone with my favorite character. The art from Reis was incredible as always and the writing from Johns was more humorous than usual but it fits the message he was trying to get across.
Throughout the book we see Aquaman confront and deal with the stereotypes that he's just a guy that "talks to fish". I love how he interacts with normal characters - it's a more human take on the character that many writers fail to tackle or even try to approach. From showing off his powers(lifting a truck, hopping over buildings, invulnerability) to his intimate moments with Mera we get a wide variety of emotions from Arthur. Gone are the angry/pirate-like tendencies from previous renditions of Aquaman where he's trying too hard to be tough.
This Aquaman is subtle and will reach for his trident to shut anyone up getting on his nerves. He doesn't have to be a long hair menacing king of the sea to be cool and that's why I loved this first issue.
Too many writers think to make a character accessible to a new audience is to make them edgy/badass, which usually means "Let's try to make him/her darker and angry, like Batman". That approach fails 90% of the time, thankfully Johns knows that - and he succeeds in making Arthur Curry his own man. His love for his father and wife, Mera, are inspiring and not a crutch.
On the art side of things Reis is just the artist Aquaman needed to get him to work with the relaunch. The character has had numerous artist over the years but none as popular as Reis. The last Aquaman book had Shawn McManus which was one of the worst decisions DC has ever made. Thank Neptune they've given this book someone who can do backgrounds just as beautiful as the characters he illustrates. The main issue with Aquaman is that he's a globetrotter and needs an artist capable of painting a picture for the reader on the different/vast locales that he travels to. Reis is that man and it shows in this issue(and Aquaman sections of Brightest Day). He can do cities, underwater, beaches, diners, etc - can't wait to see his rendition of Atlantis and more of The Trench who look devilish.
With all the above taken care of in the first issue I can say this is going to be an awesome run. Looking forward to more of Aquaman's supporting characters making appearances and Johns take on his rogues.
Consider this Aqua-freak, excited. And it goes without saying that this book was simply: OUTRAGEOUS!
- Rock.