Back in 2004 I returned to comics as an adult after taking about 10 years off from collecting and reading. Whedon's Astonishing X-men & Bendis' Ultimate Spider-man pulled me back in. I remembered the joy I had as a teenager reading comics that I was able to find here and there (mostly on a drugstore turn-style rack). Getting back in I went straight back to my favorites...the X-men. Even to this day I'll buy the X-men books no matter how bad they are (thank you obsessive compulsiveness). I am always looking to branch out in what I read, really looking for those stories that I enjoy and anticipate what is going to happen next.

In comes 2005-2006. I see that DC is relaunching the Green Lantern book. I remember reading GL back around issue #200 when it became GLC and remembered some of the characters. I also remember how cheesy I thought it was (come on, can you really tell me that Salaak getting drunk, passing out, and dreaming of Pink Elephants that come to life and the GLs have to fight them was a good story?). I passed because by that time Marvel was getting A LOT of money from me (about 20+ books a month). I had my DC fix from Supergirl (thank you Michael Turner & Ale Garza...the best part of the current Supergirl series IMO). I really wouldn't be missing THAT much from GL.

Flash forward to 2008. Everybody has been talking about how good this Sinestro Corps War story was. That it truly was Epic. Well, I decided to bite on what everyone was selling. Off to eBay I went and bought the entire SCW series. Sat down one evening and read it....the whole thing. I remember sitting there with a grin on my face jonesing for some more GL. Back to eBay I went and grabbed up the rest of the story from Rebirth on.

Ever since then I've been a Green Lantern ADDICT. I have fallen in love with the entire mythos. Hal Jordan is BY FAR my favorite character in comics today. I love what I am reading. I find myself anxiously anticipating the next issue. That love has also opened up more doors for me in the DCU. I find myself loving what is going on over in the Batman part of the universe as well. And now I'm getting sucked into Wonder Woman. I truly feel like a kid in a candy shop when I walk into my LCS every week. That excitement starts with GL. So I say, thank you Hal Jordan.