Sometime between the ages of 17 and 19 I joined and moderated a board with a friend from an AOL chat I simply new as Steve called the Krypton Protocols. Don't ask me why but we made a JLA game that had some pretty good results. It was as big as the Morrison League and did it have some twists and turns. I think the total players came to about 9 or so. A couple of the friends I'd made actually wound up getting married before the end of it and it was pretty cool. From there I found the GJ boards and was a fan of JSA at the time. I joined what was the 3rd JSA rpg of the forum as the Golden Age Hourman [as it was a Golden Age game] and to my surprise it was pretty much the same storytelling type of format I was used to. The next JSA game [#4 for those keeping up] I ran with a guy named Captrose and it took place in what was the modern JSA timeline. We actually started that game with a full Society of 19 players. As it continued I could see the interest dropping. The format was failing in keeping everybody on the same level [as everybody wanted to shine] and it eventually died. I don't know for sure if the games continued on the board, but since then I've moved on to greener pastures. Having problems with keeping the internet, the first GLC game I started on these forums was taken over by Maverick_GL and his motley crew. Every once in awhile I try and add a little something to their history, already having introduced a new take on Kyle Rayner called the Starheart. After getting married and losing the internet times have become easier believe it or not [even after having my first baby boy] and I developed a points system to try and make future RPGs more like games and not just storytelling. So if you're interested and you're reading this check it out if you haven't already. We're about to get rolling and other Corps besides the GL's are available....